GRE 红宝书/2006

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[编辑] A

abandon abash abate abbreviate abdicate aberrant aberration abet abeyance abhor abhorrent abide abject abjure ablution abnegate abolish abolition abominate aboveboard abrade abrasion abrasive abreast abridge abrogate abscission abscond absenteeism absolute absolve absorb abstain abstemious abstention abstentious abstract abstruse absurd abundance abundant abuse abusive abut abysmal academic academician accede accelerate accentuate access accessible accessory acclaim acclimate accolade accommodate accommodating accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accord accost accountability accrete accretion accrue accumulate accuracy accurate accuse acerbic acknowledge acme acolyte acorn acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquainted acquiesce acquired acquisitive acquit acquittal acrid acrimonious acrimony acrobat acrophobia acuity acumen acute adage adamant adapt adaptable addendum addict addition additive address adept adequate adhere adherent adhesive adjacent adjourn adjunct adjust admire admission admonish adobe adolescent adopt adore adorn adroit adulate adulterate adumbrate advent adventitious adverse advertise advisable advocacy advocate aegis aerate aerial aesthete aesthetic affable affectation affected affection affidavit affiliate affiliation affinity affirm affix afflict affliction affluence affluent affordable affront agenda agglomerate aggrandize aggravate aggregate aggression aggressive aggressor aggrieve agile agility agitate agitated agnostic agog agony agrarian agreeable agronomy ail airborne airtight alabaster alacrity albeit alchemy alcove alert alias alibi alienate align alimentary alkali allay allege allegiance allegory allergic allergy alleviate allocate allowance allude alluring allusion aloft aloof alphabetical alter alternate altruism altruistic aluminium amalgam amalgamate amass amateur amateurish ambidextrous ambiguous ambivalence ambivalent amble ambush ameliorate amenable amend amendment amenity amiable amicable amity amnesia amnesty amorphous amortize amphibian ample amplify amplitude amulet amuse anachronistic anaerobic anagram analgesia analgesic analogous analogy analyze anarchist anarchy anathema anatomical ancestor ancestry anchor ancillary anecdote anemia anesthetic anguish angular anhydrous animate animated animation animosity animus annals annexation annihilated annotate announce annoy annul anomalous anomaly anonymity anonymous anorexia antagonism antagonize Antarctic antecedence antecedent antediluvian antenna anterior anthem anthology anthropologist antibiotic antibody antic anticipate anticipatory anticlimax antidote antihistamine antipathy antiquated antique antiquity antiseptic antithesis anvil aorta apex aphorism apiary aplomb apocalyptic apocrypha apocryphal apogee apologize apoplectic apostasy apostate apostrophe apothecary appall apparatus apparel apparition appeal appease appellation appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause applicable applicant application appoint apposite appraise appreciable appreciate apprehend apprehensive apprentice apprise approach approbation appropriate approximate apron apropos apt aptitude aquatic aqueduct aquifer arabesque arable arbiter arbitrary arbitrate arboreal arboretum arcane arch archaeology archetype archipelago architect archive arctic ardent arena argot aria arid aristocracy armada armistice armory aroma aromatic arouse array arrest arresting arrhythmic arrogance arrogant arrogate arroyo arsenal arson artery arthritis articulate artifact artifice artificial artistry artless ascendancy ascetic ascribe aseptic asparagus aspect aspen asperity aspersion asphyxiate aspirant aspiration aspire assail assault assay assemble assent assert assertive assertiveness assess assessment asset assiduous assimilate associate assorted assuage assume assumption assure assured asterisk asteroid asthma astound astray astringent astrolabe astrology astronomical astute asunder asylum asymmetric athletics atonal atrocious atrocity atrophy attach attain attainment attenuate attest attic attorney attribute attune auction audacious audible audience audit auditorium augment augur augury august auspices auspicious austere austerity authentic authenticity authoritarian authorization autobiography autocracy autocrat autonomous autonomy auxiliary available avalanche avant-grade avarice avaricious avenge aver averse aversion avert aviary avid avoid avow awe awe-inspiring awkward awl awning awry axiom axis axle

[编辑] B

babble backdrop backhanded backset bacteria bacterium badge badger badinage bail bait bale baleful balk ballad ballast ballerina balloon ballot balm balmy ban banal band bandage bane banish banister bankrupt banquet banter bar barb barbarous barbecue bard bare barefaced bargain barge bark barn barometer baroque barrage barren barricade barrier barter base bask baste batch bathetic baton battalion bauxite bawdy bazaar beacon beam bearing beat bedeck bedlam befuddlement begrudge beholder behoove belabor belated beleaguer belie belittle bellicose belligerence bellwether bench bend benediction benefactor benevolent benign benison bent bequeath bequest berate bereft beset besiege besmirch bestial bestow betray betroth beverage bewilder bewildering bibliography bibliophile bicker bid bifurcate bigot bile bilingual bilk billowy bin biosphere biped bit bizarre blade blanch bland blandishment blasphemy blast blatant blazon bleach bleak blemish blight blighted bliss blissful blithe blizzard blockade blockage blooming blotch blowhard blue blueprint blunder blunt blurb blurt blush blusr bluster blustering boast bodyguard bog boggle bogus boisterous bolster bolt bombast bombastic bondage bonnet boom boon boor boost bootless bore boredom boring botany boulder bouquet bourgeois bout boycott brace bracelet bracing bracket brag braggadocio braggart braid brake brand brandish brash brassy brat bravado bravura brawl brazen breach breadth breed bribe bricklayer bridle brink brisk bristle brittle broach brochure broker bromide brood brook browbeat bruise bruit brunt brusque brutal brute buck bucket bucolic bud budge budget buffoon bulb bulge bulk bully bumptious bungle buoy buoyant bureaucracy burgeon burial burlesque burnish bust butt buttress byline byproduct bystander Byzantine

[编辑] C

cabal cabinet cache cacophony cadet cajole calamity calcium calculated calculating calculus caldron calibrate calipers calligraphy callous callow calorie calumniate calumny cameo camouflage campaign canary candid candidacy candidate candor cane canine cannon canny canonical canopy cant cantankerous canto canvas canvass canyon cape capillary capitulate caprice capricious capsule caption captious captivate capture carafe carapace carbohydrate carcinogen cardinal cardiologist caress careworn cargo caricature carnivorous carol carouse carp carpenter carrion cartographer cartoon carve cast caste castigate castigation casual casualty cataclysm catalog catalyst catastrophe categorical category cater caterpillar catharsis cathedral catholic caucus caulk causal caustic cauterize cavalier cavalry caveat cavern cavil cavity cavort cede celebrated celebrity celestial cellar cello cement censor census centaur centigrade centralization centurion ceramic ceramics cereal cerebral ceremonious ceremony certainty certification certitude cessation cession chafe chaff chagrin chalice chameleon champion championship chancellor chancellor chandelier chant chaos chapel char characteristic characterization characterize charade charisma charitable charity charlatan charm charter chary chase chasm chaste chastise chauvinistic check chef cherubic chicanery chide chimera chip chipmunk chisel chivalrous choice choir choke choleric chord choreography chorus chromatic chromosome chronic chrysanthemum chuckle churl cinder cipher circuit circuitous circular circulate circulation circumference circumlocution circumscribe circumstantial circumvent cistern cite civil civilian civility claim clairvoyance clam clamor clamp clandestine clannish clarify clarion clarity clash clasp classify clause clay cleavage cleave cleaver cleft clemency clement clientele climax clinch cling clinical clip clipper clique clog cloister closet clot cloture cloudburst clout clown cloying clumsy cluster coagulant coagulate coagulation coalesce coalition coarse coarsen coax cob cobbler cocoon coda coddle code codify coerce coercion coeval cogent cogitate cognizance cognizant cohabit coherent cohesion cohesive coincide colander cold-blooded collaborate collage collapse collar collate collateral collected collection collision colloquial colloquium collude colon colonize colonnade colony coloration colossal colossus coltish coma comatose combat combustible comedienne comely comic comity comma commemorate commence commencement commensurate commentary commingle commission commit committed commodious commodity commonplace commonsense commonwealth commotion communal commune communicate commute compact companion comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compatible compatriot compel compelling compendium compensate compensatory compete compete competence compile complacency complacent complaisance complaisant complementary compliance compliant complicate compliment comply component compose composed composer compost composure compound comprehend comprehensible comprehensive compress compromise compulsion compunction concatenate concave conceal concede conceit conceive concentrate conception concerto concession conciliate conciliatory concise conclave conclusive concomitant concord concrete concur concussion condemn condense condescend condescending condone conducive conduct conduit cone confection confederacy confer conference confess confide confidence confidential configuration confine confirm confiscate conflagration conflate conflict conform conformist conformity confound confront congeal congenial congest conglomerate congregate congruent congruous conifer conjecture conjoin conjunction conjure connive connoisseur connotation conquer conquest conscience conscientious conscript consensus consent consequence consequential conservative conservatory conserve considerable consign consistency consistent console consolidate consolidation consonant conspicuous conspiracy conspire constant constellation consternation constituent constitute constitution constitutional constrain constrained constraint constrict construct

[编辑] start of list 9

construe consul consummate contact contagious contain containment contaminate contemplate contempt contemptible contemptuous contend content contented contention contentious conterminous contest context contiguous continent contingent continuation contort contraband contract contradict contradictory contrast contravene contrite contrition contrive contrived control controversial controvert contumacious conundrum convalesce convalescent convenience conventional converge convergent conversant converse convert convertible convex convey convict conviction convince convivial conviviality convoke convoluted convulse convulsion coop cooperate cooperative coordinate copious cord core cornucopia coronation corporate corporeal corpuscle corral correspondent corroborate corrode corrosive corrugate corrugated corrupt cosmic cosmopolitan cosmopolitanism cosmos cosset costume coterie cougar countenance counteract counterbalance counterfeit countermand counterpart counterproductive coup court covenant covert covet cow coward cower coy cozen crab crabbed crack craft cram cramp cranky crass crate crater cravat craven craving crayon crease credence credible credit credulous creek creep crescendo crest crestfallen cringe cringing criteria criterion critic critical critique croak crochet crockery cronyism crook cross crouch crown crucial crudity crumb crumble crumple crusade crust crutch crux cryogenic cryptic cub cubicle cue cuisine culinary culmination culpable cult cultivate cultivated

[编辑] start of list 10

cumbersome cumulus cunning cupidity curator curb curdle curmudgeon curriculum cursory curt curtail cushion custodian custody customary cuticle cutlery cyclical cyclone cylinder cynic cypress cytology

[编辑] D

dabble daft dagger daguerreotype dainty dally damp damped dampen dandy dapper dappled daredevil dart daunt dawdle deactivate deaden deadlock deadpan dealing dearth debacle debark debase debate debilitate debouch debrief debris debunk debut decadence deceit decency decent deception decibel deciduous decimate decipher declaim declamation decline decode decompose decomposition decorate decorum decrepit decry dedication deduce deduct deductive deed deface default defeatist defect defendant defense defer deference deferential defiance deficiency deficit defile defined definite definition definitive deflated deflect defoliator deforestation defraud deft defuse defy degradation dehydrate deify deign dejected delectable delegate deleterious deliberate delicacy delicate delimit delineate delinquency delinquent delirious delirium delta delude deluge delusion delve demagogue demand demanding demean demise demography demolish demolition demonstrate demonstrative demoralize demote demotic demur demystify den denigrate denim denizen denomination denote denouement denounce

[编辑] start of list 11

dent denture denude denunciation depict deplete deplore deport deportation depose deposition depraved depravity deprecate depreciate depressed depression deprivation deputy deracinate deranged derelict dereliction deride derivation derivative derivative dermatologist derogate derogatory descend descendant descent descry desecrate desert deserted deserter desertion desiccate designation designer desirable desperate despicable despise despondent despot despotic despotism destitution desultory detach detached detain detection deter detergent deteriorate deterioration determinant determination detest detonation detour detraction detrimental detritus devastate deviant deviate deviation devious devise devoid devoted devotee devotional devour devout dexterity dexterous diabetes diabolical diagnose diagonal diagram dialect diameter diaphanous diatribe dictate didactic die diehard differentiate diffident diffuse digestion digit dignity digress digression dilapidate dilapidated dilate dilatory dilemma dilettante diligence dilute dim dimension diminution dimple din dingy diplomatic dire dirge disabuse disaffect disagreeable disarm disarray disaster disbar disburse discard discern discernible discerning discharge disciple discipline disclaim disclose discography discombobulate discombobulated discomfit discomfited discomfiture discompose disconcert discord discount discourse discredit discreet discrepancy discrete

[编辑] start of list 12

discretion discretionary discriminate discriminatory discursive disdain disembodied disenchant disengage disentangle disfigure disgorge disgruntle disguise disgust disillusion disinfect disinfectant disinter disinterested disjunction disjunctive dislocate dislodge dismal dismantle dismay disparage disparate disparity dispassionate dispatch dispel dispensable dispense disperse displace disposable disposal dispose disposed disposition disproof disprove dispute disregard disrepute disrupt disruptive dissect dissemble disseminate dissent dissertation dissident dissimulate dissipate dissociation dissolute dissolve dissonant dissuade distant distend distension distill distinct distinction distinctive distinguished distort distract distracted distraught distress distribute district ditty diurnal diva diver diverge divergent diverse diversity divert divest divestiture divine divulge docile doctrinaire doctrine document dodder dodge doff dogged doggerel dogma dogmatism doldrums doleful dolorous dolt domain dome domesticate domicile dominant dominate domination donate donor doodle dormancy dormant dorsal dose dossier dote doting dour douse down downplay downpour down-to-earth doyen drab draconian draft draftsmanship drain drainage drastic drawbridge drawl dreary dregs drench drenched drill drivel drizzle drizzly droll drone droop droplet dross drought drove drudgery dual dubious ducking duct duel duet dull dummy dune dupe duplicitous duplicity duration duress dutiful dwarf dwelling dwindle dynamic dynamo dysfunctional dyslexia dyspeptic

[编辑] E

earnest earplug earring earshot earsplitting earthly earthy easel eavesdrop ebb ebullience eccentric eclectic eclecticism ecologist economical ecstasy ecstatic eddy edifice edify efface effervesce effete efficacious efficacy effluvia effrontery effulgent egalitarian egocentric egotist egregious egress elaborate elaboration elated elbow elegy elementary elephantine elevate elicit eligible eliminate elite ellipsis elliptical elm elocution elongate eloquence elucidate elude elusive emaciate emaciation emanate emancipate embargo embarrass embed embellish embezzlement emblematic embody embolden emboss embrace embroider emend emergency emigrate eminence eminent emissary emit emollient emote empathy emphatic empirical empiricism empower empyreal emulate emulsify enact enamel enamored encapsulate enchant enclosure encomiast encomium encompass encounter encroach encumber encyclopedia endearing endemic endorse endow endure enduring enervate enfeeble enfetter enflame engaged engaging engender engrave engross engulf enhance enjoin enlighten enlightening enlist enliven enmesh enmity ennui enormity enormous enrage enrapture ensconce ensemble ensign ensue ensure entail entangle enterprise enthralling entice entirety entitle entity entrance entrancing entreat entreaty entrée entrepreneur entrust entry enumerate enunciate environ envision enzyme epaulet ephemeral epic epicure epidemic epidermis epigram epilogue episodic epitaph epithet epitome epitomize epoch equable equanimity equate equation equator equilibrium equine equity equivalent equivocate equivocation eradicate erase erasure erect err errand erratic ersatz erstwhile erudite erupt escalate escalation escapism eschew esophagus esoteric espionage espousal espouse espy essential estimable estranged etch etching eternal ethereal ethics ethnic ethnology ethos etiquette etymology eucalyptus eulogistic eulogize eulogy euphemism euphonious euphoria evacuate evade evaluation evanescent evaporate evasion evasive even evenhanded evict eviction evince evocative evoke evolve ewe ewer exacerbate exact exacting exactitude exaggerate exaggeration exalt exaltation exasperate excavate exceed excel exceptional excess excise excitability exclaim exclamation exclude exclusive excoriate excrete exculpate excursion excursive execrable execrate execute exemplary exemplify exempt exert exhale exhaust exhaustive exhilarate exhilaration exhort exigent existential exodus exonerate exorbitant exorcise exotic expand expansive expediency expedient expeditious expel expend expenditure expertise expiate expiration expire explicate explicit exploit explosive exponent exponentially exposition expository expostulate exposure expound expressly expunge expurgate exquisite extant extemporaneous extemporize extend extenuate exterminate externalize extinct extinction extinguish extirpation extol extort extract extraneous extrapolate extravagance extremist extricable extricate extrovert exuberance exuberant exude exult

[编辑] F

fabric fabricate fa?ade facet facetious facile facilitate facilities faction factorable factotum factual faculty fad faddish fade falcon fallacious fallacy fallibility fallible fallow falsehood falter familiarity famine famish fanatic fang fantasy farce farewell far-reaching fast fasten fastidious fastness fatal fathom fatigue fatten fatuity fatuous faucet fault faultfinder favorable fawn faze feasible feat feature feckless fecundity feeble feedback feign feigned feint felicitous fell felon felony feminist fender feral ferment fermentation fern ferret ferrous fertile fertilize fertilizer fervid fervor fester festive fetid fetter fetus feud fiasco fiat fickle fictitious fidget fig figment figurative figurehead figurine file filibuster filigree filings filly filter filth finale finesse finicky finite firearm firefly fiscal fissure fixate flaccid flag flagging flaggy flagrant flail flak flamboyant flammable flange flare flask flatcar flatten flatter flaunt flaunty flaw flax fledge fledging fleeting flexible flight flimsy flinch flint flip flippant flirt flit flock floodgate flora florid flounder flourish flout fluctuate fluffy fluke fluorescent flush flustered flutter fluvial flux foible foil fold folder foliage folklore folly foment foodstuff foolproof foppish forage forager forbearance forbid forbidding ford forebode forecast foreknowledge forerunner foreshadow foresight forestall forestry forfeit forge forger forgery forgo formality formation formidable formula forsake forte forthright fortify fortitude fortuitous forum forward fosse fossilize foster foul founder four-poster foyer fracas fraction fractious fracture fragile fragment fragrance fragrant frail frantic fraud fraudulent fraught freckle freelancer freight frenetic frenzy frequency frequent fresco fret friable friction frieze frigid frigidity fringe frisky frivolous frond frothy frugal fruition frustrate fulcrum fulfil full-bodied full-fledged fulminate fulsome fumble fume fumigate functional functionary fundamental fungi fungicide furnace furor furrow furtive fusillade fusion fuss fussy fusty futile futility

[编辑] G

gadfly gadget gaffe gaggle gainsay gait galaxy gall gallant galley gallon galvanize gamble gambol gangway gape garble garbled gardenia gargantuan gargoyle garish garment garner garnish garrulity garrulous gaseous gash gasification gaucherie gaudy gauge gavel gaze gazetteer gear gem gene genealogy generality generalize generate generation generator generic generosity genesis genetic genetics genial genome genre genteel gentle gentry genuine genus geometrician germ germane germicide germinate gerontocracy gerontology gerrymander gestation gesture geyser gibe giddy giggle gild gimmick ginger gingerly girder girth gist glacial glade gladiator glance glare glaze glean glib glide glimmer glisten glitch gloat gloom gloomy gloss glossary glossy glow glower glowing glucose glut glutinous gluttonous gnarled gnaw goad gobble goblet goldbrick gong goodwill gorge gorilla gospel gossamer gouge gourmand gourmet grace gracious gradation graduated graft grain grandeur grandiose grandstand granite grant graphic graphite grasping grate grateful gratification gratify grating gratitude gratuitous gratuity grave gravel gravitational gravity graze grease green greenhouse gregarious gregariousness grenade grief grievance grieve grievous grill grim grimace grin grind gripe gripping grisly gristle grit groan groom groove grope gross grotto grouch grounded group grouse grove grovel grueling grumble guarantee guffaw guile guileless guillotine guilt guilty guise gullible gully gulp gum guru gush gusher gust gustatory gutter guy guzzle gyrate

[编辑] H

habitat habituate hack hackneyed hail halcyon hale halfhearted hallmark hallow hallowed hallucination halo halting hammer hamper handle hangar hangdog hankering haphazard harangue harass harbinger harbor harden hardheaded hardy harmony harness harp harpsichord harridan harrow harrowing harry harsh harshly hasten hasty hatch haughty haunt hauteur haven havoc hawk hazard hazardous headlong headstrong headway heal hearken hearten heartrending heavy-handedness heckle hectic hector hedge hedonist heed hegemony heinous heir heirloom helmet hem hemisphere hemophilia hemorrhage hemostat herbaceous herbicide herbivorous herd hereditary heresy heretic heretical hermetic hermetic hermit herpetologist heterodox heterogeneous hew hexagon hiatus hibernate hide hidebound hideous hie hierarchy hieroglyph hieroglyphic highbrow hike hilarious hinder hinge hirsute hiss histology histrionic hitherto hive hoard hoary hoax hodgepodge hoe hoist hold holster homage homeostasis homiletics homogeneity homogeneous homogenize homogenous hone honorarium hoodwink hoof hoop horizontal hormone horn horrific hortative horticulture hospitable hostile hostility hovel hover hub hubris huckster hue hulk hull humane humble humdrum humid humidity humiliate humility humor hunch hurdle hurl hurricane husband husbandry hush husk husky hybrid hydrant hydrate hymn hyperactivity hyperbole hypertension hyphen hypnotic hypocrite hypocritical hypotenuse hypothesis hypothetical hysteria

[编辑] I

icicle icon iconoclast iconoclastic ideology idiom idle idolater idyll igneous ignite ignoble ignominious ignominy ignorant illegal illegitimate illicit illiterate illuminate illuminati illusion illusive illusory illustrate imbibe imbroglio imbue (with) imitation imitative immaculate immanent immemorial immense immensity immerse imminent immolate immune immunity immunize immure imp impact impair impale impalpable impart impasse impassioned impassive impeach impeccable impecunious impede impediment impel impending impenetrable impenitent imperative imperial imperious impermanent impermeability impermeable impersonate impertinence imperturbable impervious impetuous impetus impinge implant implausible implement implicate implication implicit implode implore impolitic imponderable import importune impose imposing imposter imposture impoverish imprecise impregnable impresario impressed impression impressionable imprint impromptu improvident improvise improvised imprudent impudent impugn impuissance impulse impulsive impunity inadvertence inadvertently inalienable inane inanimate inappreciable inaugural inaugurate inborn incandescence incantation incarcerate incarnate incendiary incense incentive inception incessant inch inchoate incidence incinerate incipient incise incision incisive incite inclement inclusive incogitant incommensurate incompatible incompetent incongruity inconsequential inconstancy incontrovertible incorporate incorrigibility incorrigible incorruptible incredulity increment incriminate incubate incubation incubator incubus inculcate inculpate incumbent incur indebted indecipherable indecisive indefatigable indelible indemnify indemnity indent indenture indeterminate indicate indicative indices indict indifferent indigence indigenous indigent indignant indignation indignity indispensability individual indoctrinate indolent indubitable induce induct induction indulge indurate industrious ineffable ineffectual inelasticity ineluctable inept ineptitude inequity inert inertia inexhaustible inexorable inexplicable infant infantile infantry infatuation infection infelicitous infelicity infer inferior inferno infest infiltrate infinitesimal infinity infirm inflame inflamed inflammation inflate inflict influx informed infraction infringe infuriate infuse ingenious ingénue ingenuity ingenuous ingest ingestion ingrained ingrate ingratiate ingratiating ingredient inhabit inhabitant inhale inherit inhibit inhibitor inhumane inimical inimitable iniquitous iniquity initial initiate initiative injection injunction injurious inkling innate innocence innocuous innovation innovative innuendo inoculate inordinate inquiry inquiry inquisitive inroad insatiable inscribe inscrutable insecticide insensate insentient insert insider insidious insignia insincerity insinuate insipid insolence insolent insoluble insolvency insomnia insouciant inspection inspiration inspired install instantaneous instate instigate instill instinctive institute institution institutionalized instructive instrumental instrumentalist insubordinate insubstantial insufficient insular insularity insulate insulin insurgent insurrection intact intangibility intangible integral integrate integrity intellect intellectual intelligible intensify intent intentional inter interaction intercede intercept intercessor interchangeable interdict interference interim interjection interlock interlocking interlude intermediary interminable intermingle intermission intermittent intern internecine interplay interpolate interpose interregnum interrogate interrogative interrupt intersect intersperse intertwine intervene intimate intimidate intoxicate intractable intransigent intrepid intricacy intricate intrigue introspective intrude intuitive inundate inured invade invective inveigh inveigle inventory inverse invert invertebrate investigate inveterate invidious invigorate invigorating inviolable invoke involuntary invulnerable iodine iota irascible irate ire iridescent irk irksome ironclad ironic irony irradicable irreconcilable irredeemable irreducible irrepressible irrevocable irrigate irritable irritate irritation isolate isotope issue isthmus itinerant itinerary ivory

[编辑] J

jabber jade jaded jagged jamb jar jargon jarring jaundice jaundiced jaunt jaunty jazz jealousy jeer jejune jeopardize jeopardy jerk jest jettison jibe jigsaw puzzle jingoism jockey jocular jocund jog jolt jot jovial jubilation judicial judicious judiciousness juggernaut jumble junction jurisdiction justifiable justification justify juvenile juxtapose

[编辑] K

kaleidoscope kangaroo ken kennel kernel kidnap kidney killjoy kin kindle kindred kinetic knack knave knead knit knotty know-how kudos

[编辑] L

labile labored labyrinth lace lacerate lachrymose lackadaisical lackluster laconic lactic lag lair laity lambaste lament lampoon lance lancet landfill landlocked landmark landslide languid languish languor lank lap lapse larder largess largesse lark larva lash lassitude lasso lasting latency latent lateral lathe latitude lattice laud lava lave lavish laxative leak leakage lease leaven lectern ledger leer leery legacy legend legerdemain legion legislate legislation legislature legitimate leisureliness leniency lenient lethal lethargic lethargy levee levelheaded lever levity levy lexicographer liability liaison libel liberality liberate libertine liberty libretto license licentious lien ligneous liken limb limber limerick limestone limited limn limousine limp limpid lineage linear linen linger linguistic linguistics linoleum lint lionize liquefy liquid liquidate lissome list listless literal literate literati lithe litigant litigation litter loaf loath lobby lobe locale locomotion locomotive locus lode lofty log logistics loll longevity longing long-winded loom loon loop loophole loosen lope lopsided loquacious lot lottery lounge loutish low loyal lubricant lubricate lucid lucrative ludicrous lug lukewarm lull lullaby lumber lumberjack lumen luminary lump lunar lunatic lurch lurid lurk lush lust lustrous luxuriant luxurious luxury lyric

[编辑] M

macabre macerate machination maculated madrigal maelstrom magenta magisterial magnanimity magnanimous magnate magnificent magnify magnitude magpie maintenance maize majestic maladroit malaise malapropism malcontent malevolent malfeasance malfunction malicious malign malinger malleable malpractice mammal mammoth mandate mandatory mangle mania manifest manifestation manifesto manifold manipulate manipulative mannered mansion mantle manumit manure manuscript maple mar marble mare margarine margin marginal marine marionette marital maritime marked maroon marsh marshal marsupial martial martyr marvel mash mask mason masquerade massacre massive mast masticate mate materialize maternal matrix mattress mature maturity maudlin maul mauve maven maverick mawkish maximize maze meager mean meander measly measured mechanical mechanics mechanism medal meddle meddlesome mediate medieval mediocre mediocrity meditate meditation meditative medium medley meek meet melancholy meld mellifluous melodrama melody melon membrane memoir memorial menace mend mendacious mendacity mendicant menthol mentor mercantile mercenary mercurial meretricious merit merited meritorious mesa mesh metabolism metamorphose metaphor metaphysical metaphysics mete meteoric meteorology methodical meticulous metrical metropolis metropolitan mettle mettlesome microbe microorganism microscope microscopic miff mighty migratory milestone militia milk mill mime mimic minaret minatory mince mingle miniature minimize minion minnow mint minuet minuscule minute minutia miracle mirage mire mirth misanthrope mischievous miscreant miser miserly misgiving misinform misnomer misperceive misrepresent misrepresentation misshapen missile mite mitigate mitten mnemonics moan moat mobile mobility mock mode modest modicum modify modish modulate mogul molar mold molding moldy molecule mollify mollycoddle molt molten moment momentous momentum monarch monarchy monetary mongrel monochromatic monochrome monocle monogamy monolithic monologue monomania monopoly monotonous monotony monsoon montage monumental morale moralistic moratorium morbid mordant mores moribund morose morsel mortality mortar mortgage mortification mortify mortuary mosaic mosque mosquito mote motif motility motley mottled motto mountainous mourn mournful movement muffle muffled muffler mulish multiple multiplicity multiply mumble mundane municipality munificence munition mural murky murmur muscle muscular muse mushroom musicologist musket muster mutate mute muted mutineer mutter myopia myopic myriad mystic

[编辑] N

nadir nag naive narcissism narcissist narcotic narrative nascent natal natty nausea nauseate nautical navigate naysay nebulous needle needlework needy nefarious negate negation negligence negotiable negotiate Neolithic neologism neophyte nepotism nerve nettle neurology neutralize neutron nexus nib nibble nice nicety nick nicotine nightmare nil nip nitpick nocturnal noisome nomad nomadic nominal nominate nonchalance nonchalant noncommittal nonconformist nonentity nonflammable nonplus nonporous nonradioactive nonsensical nonthreatening(词霸没有这个词) nonviable norm nostalgia nostrum notable notch notorious nourish nova novelty novice noxious nuance nubile nucleate nucleus nudge nugatory nullify numb numerous numismatist nurture nutrient nutrition

[编辑] O

oafishness oak oasis oath obdurate obedient obeisance obese obfuscate obituary objection objective obligation obligatory oblige obliging oblique obliterate oblivious obloquy obnoxious obscure obscurity obsequious observatory obsess obsessed obsession obsolescent obsolete obstacle obstinacy obstinate obstreperous obstruct obstruction obtainable obtuse obverse obviate obvious occlude occult occupation occurrence octogenarian odds ode odious odium odometer odyssey offbeat offence offend offensive offhand officious offish off-key offset offspring offstage ogle ointment olfaction oligarchy omelet ominous omit omnipotent omnipresent omniscient onerous onset opacity opalescence opaque operative operetta opine opinionated opponent opportune oppose oppress opprobrious optimism optimist optimum optional opulent oracle oration oratorio oratory orchard orchestra ordain ordeal ordinance ordnance ore organism orient original originality ornate ornithologist ornithology orthodontics orthodox oscillate osmosis osseous ossify ostensible ostentation ostracism ostracize ostrich other-directed otter oust outgoing outgrowth outlandish outlet outline outmaneuver outmoded outrage outset outshine outskirts outspoken outstrip outwit ovation overbearing overdose overdue overexposure overflow overhaul overlap overlook overpowering override overriding overrule oversee overshadow overstate overt overthrow overture overturn overwhelm overwrought owl oxidize

[编辑] P

pacifist pacify pack packed pact padding paean pagan pageant painkiller painstaking palate palatial Paleolithic paleontology palette pall palliate palliative pallid palmy palpable palpitate palter paltry pamphlet pan panacea panache pancreas pandemic pandemonium pander panegyric panel pang panic panorama panther pantomime pantry papyrus parable parabola paradigm paradox paragon parallel parallelism parameter paramount paranoia paranoid paraphrase parasite parch pare pariah parity parka parlance parody paroxysm parquet parry parse parsimony partial partiality particular particularize partisan partition passionate passive pastel pasteurize pastiche pastoral pastry patch patent pathogen pathological pathology patina patrician patrimony patriot patriotism patronage patronize paucity paunchy pauper peak pecan peccadillo peck pedagogue pedagogy pedal pedant pedestal pedestrian pediatrics peel peer peerless peeve peevish pejorative pelf pell-mell pellucid pen penalize penalty penance penchant pending pendulum penetrate penicillin peninsula penitent pennant penultimate penury perambulate perception perch percussionist peregrination peremptory perennial perfervid perfidious perfidy perforate perfunctorily perfunctory peril perilous perimeter periodical peripatetic peripheral periphery periscope perish perishing perjury perky permanence permanent permeable permeate permissive pernicious perpendicular perpetual perpetuate perquisite persecute persiflage persistence personable personification personnel perspective perspicacious perspicuity perspicuous perspire pertain pertinacious pertinent peruse pervade pervious pessimism pest pester pesticide pestilent pestle petal petition petitioner petrify petroglyph petroleum petrology petty petulance petulant phantom pharmaceutical pharmacology phenomena phenomenal philanthropic philatelist philately philistine phlegmatic phoenix photosynthesis physiological piano pictorial piddling pied pierce piercing pigment pilgrim pillar pillory pilot pinch pine pinnacle pinpoint pious piquant pique pirate pirouette pistol pitch pitcher pitfall pith pithiness pithy pitiful pittance placate placebo placid plagiarism plagiarize plague plain plaintiff plaintive plait plane planet plangent plankton plaque plaster plateau platitude platonic plaudit plausible plead pleat pledge plenitude plethora pliable pliant plight plinth plod plot plough ploy pluck plumb plumber plume plummet plunder plunge plush plutocracy pod podiatrist podium poignant poise poisonous poke polar polarity polarize polemic polemical polish poll pollen pollinate pollster pomposity pompous poncho ponder ponderable ponderous pontifical pontificate populace populous porcelain porcupine pore porous portentous portfolio portray pose poseur posit posse possessed poster postpone postulate posture potable potation potentate potential potentiate potpourri pottery pout practitioner prank prate preach preamble precarious precede precept precipice precipitant precipitate precipitation précis precise preclude precocious precursor predator predecessor predestine predicament predilection predisposition predominant predominate preeminent preempt preen preface pregnant prehistoric prejudice preliminary preliterate prelude premature premeditate premeditated premiere premise premium premonition preoccupation preponderate preposition preposterous prerequisite prerogative presage prescience prescribe prescription presentation presenter preservative preside press pressing prestige prestigious presume presumption presupposition pretend pretension pretentious preternatural pretext prevail prevaricate preview previous prey prim primate prime primp principal principle priority pristine privation privilege probe probity proboscis proceeds procession proclaim proclamation procrastinate proctor procure procurement prod prodigal prodigious prodigy produce productivity profane proffer proficient profile profiteer profligate profound profuse progeny prognosis prohibitive projectile projection projector proliferate prolific prolix prolixity prologue prolong promenade prominent promote prompt promulgate prone pronounced prop propagate propagation propel propeller prophecy prophet prophetic propitiate propitious proposal proposition proprietary propriety propulsion prosaic proscribe prose prosecute prosecution proselytize prospect prosperity prosperous prostrate protagonist protean protest protocol prototype protract protuberance protuberant provenance provender provident providential provincial provision provisional provisory provocation prowess prowl proximate prude prudence prudent prudish prune pry pseudonym psyche psychology publicize pucker puckish puddle puerile pugilism pugilist pugnacious puissance puissant pulchritude pullet pulley pulp pulse pulverize pun punch punctilious puncture pundit pungent puny purchase purgative purgatory purge purify purity purlieu purloin purported pursue purvey pusillanimous pylon pyre

[编辑] Q

quack quaff quail quaint qualified qualms quandary quantum quarantine quarry quartet quash quaver quay quell quench querulous quest queue quibble quiescent quill quirk quisling quiver quixotic quota quote quotidian

[编辑] R

rabble rabid rabies raconteur racy radius raffish raffle rafter rag rage ragged ragtime raid rail raisin rakish rally ram ramble rambunctious ramify rampage rampant rampart ramshackle rancid rancor random ranger rankle ransom rant rapacious rapids rapport rapprochement rapt rarefaction raspy ratification ratiocination ration rational rattle raucous ravage rave ravel ravenous ravine ravishing raze razor reactant reactionary readily ready reagent realign realm ream reaper reap rebate rebellious rebuff rebuke rebus rebuttal recalcitrant recall recant recantation recapitulate recast recede receipt receptacle receptive recess recession recessive recipe recipient reciprocal reciprocate recital reclaim recluse recoil recollection recombine recompense reconcile recondite reconnaissance reconstitute recourse recruit rectangle rectify rectitude recumbent recuperate redeem redemptive redirect redistribution redolent redoubtable redress redundancy redundant reed reek reel refectory referee refinery reflect refraction refractory refrain refresh refugee refulgent refurbish refute regale regime regress regressive regulate rehabilitate rehearsal rehearse reign reimburse rein reinforce reinstate reiterate rejoice rejuvenate relapse relate relaxation release relent relenting relentless relevance reliance relic relieved religion relinquish relish remainder remains reminder reminisce remiss remnant remorse remove remunerative rend render rendering rendezvous renegade renege renounce renovate renown rent reparable reparation repartee repatriate repeal repel repellent repercussion repertoire repine replenish replete reportorial repose reprehend reprehensible repressed reprieve reprimand reprisal reprise reproach reprobate reproof reprove reptile reptilian repudiate repugnance repugnant repulse repulsion reputation repute request requisite requite rescind rescission rescue resent resentment reserve reside resident residual residue resignation resigned resilience resilient resin resonant resort resound resourceful respiration respite resplendent respondent response responsive responsiveness restitution restive restiveness restless restore restored restrain restraint resume resurgence resurrect resuscitate retail retain retainer retaliate retaliation retard reticent retinue retiring retort retouch retrace retract retreat retrench retribution retrieve revealing revelation revelry revenge revenue reverberate revere reverie reverse revert revile revise revitalize revive revolt revue reward rewarding rhetoric rhinestone rhubarb rhyme rhythmic rib ribald rickety riddle rider ridicule rife rifle rift rig rigid rigor rile rind ringlet riot riotous ripen ripple rite ritual rival rivalry rive riven rivet riveting rivulet robe robust roe roil rookie roster rostrum rotate rotten roughen royalty rubicund rudder rudimentary rue ruffian ruffle ruminant rumple rung runic rupture rural ruse rustic ruthlessness

[编辑] S

sabotage saboteur saccharin sacred sacrifice sacrilege sacrilegious sadden saddle safeguard sagacious sage saintly salient saliva salmon salubrious salutary salutation salute salvage salve sampler sanctify sanctimonious sanction sandal sane sanguine sanity sap sapient sapphire sarcastic sartorial sash sate satiated satire satirize saturate saturated saturnine saunter savage savant savvy sawdust scabbard scad scaffold scalding scale scandal scant scarcity scarf scathing scatter scenario schematic schematize scheme schism school scion scissor scoff scoop scope scorch score scorn scorpion scotch scourge scowl scrap scrappy scrawl screw screwdriver scribble script scripture scroll scrub scruple scrutable scrutinize scuff sculpt sculptor scurrilous scurry scurvy scythe seam seamy sear seasoned seasoning secede secrete secretive secular secure securities sedate sedative sedentary sediment sedulity sedulous seedling seemly seep seethe segment seine seismic semblance seminal seminary sensation sensible sensitive sensitivity sensitization sentient sentiment sentinel separate septic sepulchral sequential sequester seraphic sere serene serial sermon serrate serrated serried serviceable servile servitude setback settle settled severe sewer sextant shackle shale sham shambles shard shattered shavings shear sheath sheathe shed sheer shell shelter shelve sheriff shield shiftiness shiftless shingle shipshape shirk shoal shoddy shoot shoplift shopworn shoulder shove shrewd shriek shrine shrink shroud shrub shrug shuck shudder shun shunt sibilant sibling sibyl sidereal sideshow sidestep siege sift signal significant signify sill silt silversmith simper simpleton simulate simultaneous sincere sinecure sinew singe singularity sinuous sip siren skeleton sketchy skew skewer skiff skillet skim skimp skinflint skirmish skirt skit skyscraper slab slack slacken slag slake slander slanderous slant slate slaughter sleigh slew slice slick slight slippage slippery slipshod slither sliver sloppy slot sloth slouch slough sluggard sluice slumber slur slurp sly smarmy smart smattering smear smirk smooth smother smudge smug smuggle snare snarl snatch sneaking sneer snide snip snitch snobbish snowdrift snub snug soak soar sober sobriety sock sod sodden soggy soil solace solder solemn solemnity solicit solicitous solicitude solidarity solidify solitary solitude solo soluble solvent somatic somber sonata sonnet soot soothe sop sophism sophisticated sophistication sophistry soporific sopping sorcery sordid souvenir sovereign sovereignty sow spackle span spank sparing spark sparring sparse spartan spat spate spatial spatula spawn spear specialize specialized specifics specimen specious speck spectacular spectator specter spectral spectrum speculate speculative spell spendthrift spike spin spindly spineless spiny spire spiritual spite spleen splendor splice splint split splurge spoil spoke spongy spontaneity spontaneous spoof sporadic sport sprain sprawling sprig sprightly sprout spruce spur spurious squabble squalid squall squalor squander square squash squat squeeze squelch squint squirrel staccato stagnant staid stain stake stale stalemate stalk stall stalwart stammer stamp stance stanch stanza staple starchy stark startle stasis static stationary statuary stature status statute statutory steadfast stealth steep steer stellar stem stench stencil stentorian stereotype sterile sterilize stern stethoscope stickler stiff stifle stigma stigmatize stilted stimulant stimulus sting stinginess stingy stint stipple stipulate stipulation stir stitch stock stockade stocky stodgy stoic stoke stolid stomach stonewall stout stowaway straightforward strait strand stranded stratagem stratify stratum stray streak stream stretch strew striate striated stricture stride strident strife striking stringent strip strive stroke stroll strut stubborn studied stuffy stultify stunning stunt stupor sturdy stutter stygian stylus stymie subdue subdued subject subjective subjugate sublime subliminal submission submit suborn subpoena subsequent subside subsidiary subsidy subsistence substance substantial substantiate substantive substitute subsume subterfuge subterranean subtle subtract subversive subvert succinct succor succumb suffice sufficient suffocate suffrage suffragist suffuse suggestive suitcase sulky sullen sultry summarily summary summation summon sumptuous sunder superb supercilious superficial superficiality superfluity superfluous superimpose superintend superiority supernova supersede supervise supine supplant supple supplement suppliant supplicant supplicate supremacy supreme surcharge surfeit surge surgeon surly surmise surmount surpass surplus surrealism surrender surreptitious surrogate surveyor survive susceptibility susceptible suspect suspend suspense suspicion suspicious sustain sustained sustenance suture svelte swagger swallow swamp sway swell sweltering swerve swift swill swindle swine swing swirl sybarite sybaritic sycophant syllabus symbiosis symmetry symphony synchronous syndrome synergic synopsis synoptic synthesis syringe

[编辑] T

table taboo tacit taciturn tackiness tackle tact tactic tactile tadpole tag taking talisman tally talon tambourine tame tamp tamper tan tangential tangible tangle tango tangy tantalize tantamount tantrum taper tapestry tardy tare tariff tarnish tarpaulin tart tasty tatty taut tauten tawdry taxing taxonomist tear tease technocrat tedious tedium teeter telling temerity temp temper tempest tempestuous tempo temporal temporize temptation tenable tenacious tenacity tenant tend tendentious tender tenet tenor tension tentative tenuous tenure tepid terminal terminate termination terminology terminus termite terrace terrain terrestrial terse testament testator testify testimony testiness testy tether texture thatch thaw thematic theocracy theoretical therapeutic thermal thesis thicket thorn thread threadbare threat thrive throne throng throwback thrust thwart tickler ticklish tidy tiff tightfisted tilt timber timbre timely timid timidity timorous tinder tined tint tirade tire tissue titanic titular toady toil tolerance toll tombstone tongs tonic tonsorial topple torment tornado torpid torpor torque torrent torrential tortuous toss totalitarian totem totter touchy toupee tournament tourniquet tout toxic toxin toy traceable track tract tractability tractable tragedy trait traitor trajectory trample trance tranquility transaction transcend transcendent transcendental transcribe transfer transfigure transgress transgression transience transient transition transitory translucent transmit transmute transparent transplantation transport transpose trapeze traverse travesty treacherous treason treatise treaty tremendous tremor trenchant trend trepidation trespass tribunal tribute trickle trifle trigger trilogy trim trinket trio tripod trite triumph trivial trophy troupe trowel truancy truce truculent trudge trumpet truncate trunk truss trustworthy tuber tumult turbulent turgid turmoil turncoat turpitude turquoise turret tusk tussle tutor tuxedo twig twinge typo typographical tyranny tyrant tyro

[编辑] U

ubiquitous ugly ulcer ultimate umbrage umpire unaffected unanimous unassuming unbecoming unbend uncanny uncommitted unconscionable unconscious uncouth unctuous underbid undercut underdog underestimated undergird underhanded underling underlying undermine underplay underrate underscore understate understated understatement understudy underutilized underwrite undeserved undesirable undirected unearth unearthly unenlightened unexceptionable unfailing unfasten unfeigned unflappable unfold unfounded ungainly ungrudging unguent unicorn unidimensional unification uniform unify unimpassioned unimpeachable uninitiated unique univocal unjustified unjustly unkempt unleash unmitigated unmoved unnoticed unobtrusive unpalatable unprecedented unpremeditated unprepossessing unpretentious unprincipled unproductive unprovoked unqualified unravel unregenerate unregulated unremitting unrepentant unrequited unreserved unscathed unscented unscrupulous unscrupulousness unseemly unsettle unsettling unsound unspoiled unspotted unstinting unsubstantiated untapped unthreatening untimely untold untoward untutored unwarranted unwieldy unwitting unwonted unworldly upbraid upgrade upheaval uphold upright uproar uproarious upstage upswing urgent usurp usury utilitarian utilize utopia utopian utter

[编辑] V

vaccinate vaccine vacillate vacuous vagary vagrancy vagrant vague vain valediction valedictory valiant validate valorous valve vandalism vandalize vanilla vanity vanquish vantage vapid vaporization vaporize vaporous variance variegate variegation varnish vascular vault vaunting veer vehicle veil velocity venal vendetta vendor veneer venerate vengeance vengeful venial venom vent ventilate ventriloquist veracious veracity verbal verbiage verbose verdant verdict verdigris verified verify verisimilar veritable vernacular versatile verse vertex vertical vertigo verve vessel vestige vestigial vestment veteran veterinary veto vex vexation viability viable viaduct vibrancy vibrant vibrate vicar vicarious vicinity vicious vicissitudinous victimize vie vigilant vigorous vile vilify vindicate vindictive vintner violate violet viral virtual virtuosity virtuoso virtuous virulent virus viscid viscous visionary vista vital vitalize vitiate vitrify vitriolic vituperate vituperative vivacious vivid vocalist vocation vogue void volatile volition volley voluble voluminous voluptuous voracious voracity votary vouch vulgar vulnerable vulture vying

[编辑] W

waddle waffle waft wag wage waggish walrus wan wanderlust wane want wardrobe warehouse warmonger warp warrant warranted warranty wary waste wastrel watershed waver wax wean wearisome weary weasel weather weed weld well-groomed welter wheedle whet whiff whim whimsical whimsy whine whirlpool whisper whistle whittle wholesome wick wicked wield willful willow willowy wilt wily wince windbag winding windy wink winnow winsome wistful wit withdraw wither withhold withstand witness witticism wizened wobble woe woo worship wrangler wrench wretched wrinkle wrist writ wrought wry

[编辑] X

xenophobe xerophyte

[编辑] Y

yacht yarn yawn yearn yeast yielding yoke yokel

[编辑] Z

zealotry zenith zephyr zest zigzag zone

