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GRE 蓝宝 Barron TOEFL 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • n. 摘要adj.抽象的
  • [英] n. 摘要 ( a brief statement; summary; abridgment) ;抽象的(dissociated from any specific instance)
  • [类] 反义词: elaborate ( 详细)
  • [记] abs+tract ( 拉) -> 从文章中拉出 -> 摘要;
  • [同] 同根词: intractable ( 倔强的) , contract ( n.合同, v.收缩)
  • [派]abstracted(adj. 心不在焉的)

注意abstract 与abstracted

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. adjective

  • Etymology: Medieval Latin abstractus, from Latin, past participle of abstrahere to drag away, from abs-, ab- + trahere to pull, draw
  • Date: 14th century
  • 1.
    • a. disassociated from any specific instance an abstract entity
    • b. difficult to understand ; abstruse abstract problems
    • c. insufficiently factual ; formal possessed only an abstract right
  • 2. expressing a quality apart from an object the word poem is concrete, poetry is abstract
  • 3.
    • a. dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects ; theoretical abstract science
    • b. impersonal, detached the abstract compassion of a surgeon — Time
  • 4. having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content abstract painting
  • • abstractly adverb
  • • abstractness noun

II. noun

  • Etymology: Middle English, from Latin abstractus
  • Date: 15th century
  • 1. a summary of points (as of a writing) usually presented in skeletal form; also something that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing or several things
  • 2. an abstract thing or state
  • 3. abstraction 4a

III. *Date: 1542

  • transitive verb
    • 1. remove, separate
    • 2. to consider apart from application to or association with a particular instance
    • 3. to make an abstract of ; summarize
    • 4. to draw away the attention of
    • 5. steal, purloin
  • intransitive verb
    • to make an abstraction
  • • abstractable adjective
  • • abstractor or abstracter noun

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