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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 草率的, 敷衍的
- [英] adj. 草率的, 敷衍的 ( characterized by superficiality)
- [类] 反义词: obsession ( 沉迷)
- [记] per ( 表面) +funct ( 做) +ory -> 表面做 -> 马马虎虎的
- [例] a perfunctory pedagogue ( 得过且过的教书匠)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Late Latin perfunctorius, from Latin perfungi to accomplish, get through with, from per- through + fungi to perform — more at per-, function
- Date: 1593
- 1. characterized by routine or superficiality ; mechanical <a perfunctory smile>
- 2. lacking in interest or enthusiasm
- ? perfunctorily adverb
- ? perfunctoriness noun