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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 有势力的
- [英] adj. 有势力的 ( having superior strength; prevailing)
- [记] pre ( 前面) +dominent ( 统治的) -> 在前面统治的 -> 有势力的
- [例] The predominant reason for my wanting to go home is that I am tired.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle French, from Medieval Latin praedominant-, praedominans, present participle of praedominari to predominate, from Latin prae- + dominari to rule, govern — more at dominate
- Date: 1576
- 1. having superior strength, influence, or authority ; prevailing
- 2. being most frequent or common
- Synonyms: see dominant