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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 自负的; 徒劳的
- [英] adj. 自负的 ( full of self-admiration) ; 徒劳的 ( without result)
- [类] primp : vain / gloat : smug ( 打扮是一种虚荣的表现 / 幸灾乐祸是一种自喜的表现)
- [例] a vain attemp
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, empty, futile, from Latin vanus — more at wane
- Date: 14th century
- 1. having no real value ; idle, worthless <vain pretensions>
- 2. marked by futility or ineffectualness ; unsuccessful, useless <vain efforts to escape>
- 3. archaic foolish, silly
- 4. having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements ; conceited
- Synonyms: see futile
- ? vainly adverb
- ? vainness noun
- Synonyms:
- vain, nugatory, otiose, idle, empty, hollow mean being without worth or significance. vain implies either absolute or relative absence of value <vain promises>. nugatory suggests triviality or insignificance<a monarch with nugatory powers>. otiose suggests that something serves no purpose and is either an encumbrance or a superfluity<a film without a single otiose scene>. idle suggests being incapable of worthwhile use or effect<idle speculations>. empty and hollow suggest a deceiving lack of real substance or soundness or genuineness<an empty attempt at reconciliation><a hollow victory>.