目录 |
[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 谴责, 指责; adj. / n. 堕落的 ( 人)
- [英] v. 谴责, 指责 ( to condemn strongly) ; adj. / n. 堕落的 ( 人) ( a person morally corrupt)
- [记] re ( 反) +prob ( 赞扬) +ate -> 反赞扬 -> 指责
- [同] 同根词: approbation ( 赞扬)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. transitive verb (-bated; -bating)
- Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin reprobatus, past participle of reprobare — more at reprove
- Date: 15th century
- 1. to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil zuoxiereprobating the laxity of the ageyouxie
- 2. to foreordain to damnation
- 3. to refuse to accept ; reject
- Synonyms: see criticize
- ? reprobative adjective
- ? reprobatory adjective
II. adjective
- Date: 15th century
- 1. archaic rejected as worthless or not standing a test ; condemned
- 2.
- a. foreordained to damnation
- b. morally corrupt ; depraved
- 3. expressing or involving reprobation
- 4. of, relating to, or characteristic of a ~
III. noun
- Date: 1545
- a ~ person