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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.雕刻; ( 把肉等) 切成片
- [英] v.雕刻 ( to shape by cutting, chipping, hewing) ; ( 把肉等) 切成片 ( slice)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
verb (carved; carving)
- Etymology: Middle English kerven, from Old English ceorfan; akin to Old High German kerban to notch, Greek graphein to scratch, write
- Date: before 12th century
- transitive verb
- 1. to cut with care or precision <carved fretwork
- 2. to make or get by or as if by cutting — often used with out<carve out a career
- 3. to cut into pieces or slices <carved the turkey
- intransitive verb
- 1. to cut up and serve meat
- 2. to work as a sculptor or engraver
- ? carver noun