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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 服装; 剧装
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Etymology: French, from Italian, custom, dress, from Latin consuetudin-, consuetudo custom — more at custom
- Date: 1799
- 1. the prevailing fashion in coiffure, jewelry, and apparel of a period, country, or class
- 2. an outfit worn to create the appearance characteristic of a particular period, person, place, or thing <Halloween costumes
- 3. a person's ensemble of outer garments; especially a woman's ensemble of dress with coat or jacket
- ? costumey adjective
II. transitive verb (costumed; costuming)
- Date: 1823
- 1. to provide with a costume
- 2. to design costumes for <costume a play
III. adjective
- Date: 1847
- 1. characterized by the use of costumes costume ball costume drama
- 2. suitable for or enhancing the effect of a particular costume costume handbag