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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 慢而平静地前进
- [英] v. 慢而平静地前进 ( to go on in a slow, steady manner)
- [类] jog : exercise / barter : trade ( 慢跑是一种锻炼 / 易货贸易是一种贸易)
- [例] Our lives jog along from day to day.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. verb (jogged; jogging)
- Etymology: probably alteration of shog
- Date: 1548
- transitive verb
- 1. to give a slight shake or push to ; nudge
- 2. to rouse to alertness <jogged his memory>
- 3. to cause (as a horse) to go at a jog
- 4. to align the edges of (piled sheets of paper) by hitting or shaking against a flat surface
- intransitive verb
- 1. to move up and down or about with a short heavy motion <his…holster jogging against his hip — Thomas Williams>
- 2.
- a. to run or ride at a slow trot
- b. to go at a slow, leisurely, or monotonous pace ; trudge
- ? jogger noun
II. noun
- Date: 1635
- 1. a slight shake ; nudge
- 2.
- a. a movement, pace, or instance of jogging (as for exercise)
- b. a horse's slow measured trot
III. noun
- Etymology: probably alteration of [sup]2[/sup]jag
- Date: 1715
- 1.
- a. a projecting or retreating part (as of a line or surface)
- b. the space in the angle of a jog
- 2. a brief abrupt change in direction
IV. intransitive verb (jogged; jogging)
- Date: 1953
- to make a jog <the road jogs to the right>