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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 条约;协议
- [英] n. 条约 ( an agreement made between countries) ; 协议 ( agreement between people)
- [类] rectify : treaty / confirm : hypothesis ( 调整协议 / 确认假设)
- [记] treat(处理)+y -> 做出处理的文件 -> 条约
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
noun (plural treaties)
- Etymology: Middle English trete, from Anglo-French treté, from past participle of treter to discuss, treat
- Date: 14th century
- 1. the action of treating and especially of negotiating
- 2.
- a. an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation:
- (1) private treaty
- (2) a contract in writing between two or more political authorities (as states or sovereigns) formally signed by representatives duly authorized and usually ratified by the lawmaking authority of the state
- b. a document in which such a contract is set down
- a. an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation: