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GRE 蓝宝 Barron


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗
  • [英] v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗 ( to coax with flattery; wheedle)
  • [记] caj=cage ( 笼子) +ole -> 把 ( 鸟) 诱入笼子 -> 哄骗; 参考: blandishments ( 甜言蜜语诱惑)
  • [同] 派生词: cajolery ( n.劝诱, 蒙骗coaxing)

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

transitive verb (cajoled; cajoling)

  • Etymology: French cajoler
  • Date: 1630
  • 1.
    • a. to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance ; coax <had to cajole them into going
    • b. to obtain from someone by gentle persuasion <cajoleed money from his parents
  • 2. to deceive with soothing words or false promises
  • ? cajolement noun
  • ? cajoler noun
  • ? cajolery noun
  • Synonyms:
    • cajole, coax, soft-soap, blandish, wheedle mean to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions. cajole suggests the deliberate use of flattery to persuade in the face of reluctance or reasonable objections <cajoled him into cheating on the final exam. coax implies gentle and persistent words or actions employed to produce a desired effect<coaxed the cat out of the tree. soft-soap refers to using smooth and somewhat insincere talk usually for personal gain<politicians soft-soaping eligible voters. blandish implies a more open desire to win a person over by effusive praise and affectionate actions<legislators blandished with promises of support. wheedle suggests more strongly than cajole the use of seductive appeal or artful words in persuading<hucksters wheedling her life's savings out of her.

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