GRE 蓝宝
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 油毡
- [英] 油毡 ( a hard smooth, washable floor covering, formerly much used, esp. in kitchens)
- [记] lin ( =linen亚麻) +oleum ( =petroleum石油) -> 在亚麻布上涂上石油 -> 油毡
- [类比]Varnish: Wood(给木制品上漆,漆器)-> Wax: Linoleum(给油毡木地板上蜡,更光亮)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Usage: often attributive
- Etymology: Latin linum flax + oleum oil — more at oil
- Date: 1878
- 1. a floor covering made by laying on a burlap or canvas backing a mixture of solidified linseed oil with gums, cork dust or wood flour or both, and usually pigments
- 2. a material similar to linoleum