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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n.容器
- [英] n.容器 ( container)
- [类] bowl : receptacle / bicycle : vehicle ( 碗是一种容器 / 自行车是一种交通工具)
- [记] recept ( 感受, 接受) +acle ( 东西) -> 容器;
- [同] 参考: reception ( 接待, 欢迎)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin receptaculum, from receptare to receive, frequentative of recipere to receive
- Date: 15th century
- 1. one that receives and contains something ; container
- 2. \[New Latin receptaculum, from Latin\]
- a. the end of the flower stalk upon which the floral organs are borne
- b. a structure or tissue (as of a fungus or fern) bearing spores or sporangia
- 3. a mounted female electrical fitting that contains the live parts of the circuit