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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- vi. 遵循
- [英] vi. 遵循 ( to act in accordance)
- [类] mandatory : comply / forbidden : abstain ( 强制的必须遵守 / 禁止的必须禁绝)
- [例] A good citizen complies with the laws of the country.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
intransitive verb (complied; complying)
- Etymology: Italian complire, from Spanish cumplir to complete, perform what is due, be courteous, modification of Latin complēre to complete
- Date: 1602
- 1. obsolete to be ceremoniously courteous
- 2. to conform, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another's wishes) as required or requested <comply with federal law<the devices comply with industry standards