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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 团体的; 共同的
- [英] adj. 团体的 ( having the nature of a corporation) ; 共同的 ( shared by all members of a unified group)
- [记] corpor ( 身体, 团体) +ate -> 是一个团体的
- [例] a company's corporate policies
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Latin corporatus, past participle of corporare to make into a body, from corpor-, corpus
- Date: 1512
- 1.
- a. formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual ; incorporated
- b. of or relating to a corporation plan to reorganize the corporate structure
- c. of, relating to, or being the large corporations of a country or region considered as a unit <the latest trend in corporate America
- d. having qualities (as commercialism or lack of originality) associated with large corporations or attributed to their influence or control <corporate rock music<corporate art
- 2. of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals <human law arises by the corporate action of a people — G. H. Sabine
- 3. corporative 2
- ? corporately adverb