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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. 船上的厨房
- [英] n. 船上的厨房 ( the kitchen of a ship, boat, or airplane)
- [类] galley : ship / kitchen : house ( 船上的厨房在船上 / 房内的厨房在房内)
- [记] 原指奴隶船, 引申为船上的厨房, 注意不要和gallery ( 走廊, 画廊) 相混
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
noun (plural galleys)
- Etymology: Middle English galeie, from Anglo-French galie, galee, ultimately from Middle Greek galea
- Date: 13th century
- 1. a ship or boat propelled solely or chiefly by oars: as
- 2. the kitchen and cooking apparatus especially of a ship or airplane
- 3.
- a. an oblong tray to hold especially a single column of set type
- b. a proof of typeset matter especially in a single column before being made into pages