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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 憎恶; 咒骂
- [英] v. 憎恶 ( to loathe; detest; abhor) ; 咒骂 ( to call down evil upon; curse)
- [记] 来自拉丁文exsecratus, secrat ( 神圣) , 走出了神圣 -> 不再神圣 -> 咒骂
- [例] to execrate his evil deeds
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
transitive verb (-crated; -crating)
- Etymology: Latin exsecratus, past participle of exsecrari to put under a curse, from ex + sacr-, sacer sacred
- Date: 1531
- 1. to declare to be evil or detestable ; denounce
- 2. to detest utterly
- ? execrative adjective
- ? execrator noun