GRE Barron
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 填塞(隙缝使不漏水)
- [英] v. 填塞(隙缝使不漏水) ( to stop up the cracks, seams, etc)
- [同] 近形词: baulk ( v.阻碍, 阻止)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
kI. transitive verb or calk
- Etymology: Middle English caulken, from Anglo-French cauker, calcher, chalcher to trample, from Latin calcare, from calc-, calx heel
- Date: 15th century
- to stop up and make tight against leakage (as a boat or its seams, the cracks in a window frame, or the joints of a pipe)
- ? caulker noun
II. noun or calk; also caulking or calking
- Date: 1954
- material used to caulk
III. *variant of calk II