GRE Barron
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.清洗, 洗涤
- [英] v.清洗, 洗涤 ( to make free of something unwanted)
- [记] pure ( 纯) +ge -> 弄干净
- [例] The plumber purged dirty water from the tank.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. verb (purged; purging)
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French purger, from Latin purigare, purgare to purify, purge, from purus pure + -igare (akin to agere to drive, do) — more at act
- Date: 14th century
- transitive verb
- 1.
- a. to clear of guilt
- b. to free from moral or ceremonial defilement
- 2.
- a. to cause evacuation from (as the bowels)
- b.
- (1) to make free of something unwanted <purge a manhole of gas><purge yourself of fear>
- (2) to free (as a boiler) of sediment or relieve (as a steam pipe) of trapped air by bleeding
- c.
- (1) to rid (as a nation or party) by a purge
- (2) to get rid of <the leaders had been purged>
- 1.
- intransitive verb
- 1. to become purged
- 2. to have or produce frequent evacuations
- 3. to cause purgation
- ? purger noun
II. noun
- Date: 1563
- 1. something that purges; especially purgative
- 2.
- a. an act or instance of purging
- b. the removal of elements or members regarded as undesirable and especially as treacherous or disloyal