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GRE Barron 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • n.嫩芽, 新芽
  • [英] n.嫩芽, 新芽 ( new growth from a plant)

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. verb (shot; shooting)

  • Etymology: Middle English sheten, shoten, shuten, from Old English scēotan; akin to Old Norse skjōta to shoot
  • Date: before 12th century
  • transitive verb
    • 1.
      • a.
        • (1) to eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a sudden release of tension (as of a bowstring or slingshot or by a flick of a finger) <shoot an arrow><shoot a spitball><shoot a marble>
        • (2) to drive forth or cause to be driven forth by an explosion (as of a powder charge in a firearm or of ignited fuel in a rocket)
        • (3) to drive forth or cause to be driven forth by a sudden release of gas or air <shoot darts from a blowgun><a steam catapult shoots planes from a carrier>
        • (4) to propel (as a ball or puck) toward a goal by striking or pushing with part of the body (as the hand or foot) or with an implement; also to score by so doing <shoot the winning goal><shoot a basket>
        • (5) to throw or cast off or out often with force <shoot dice><the horse shot his rider out of the saddle>
      • b. to cause (as a gun or bow) to propel a missile
      • c.
        • (1) to utter (as words or sounds) rapidly or suddenly or with force <shoot out a stream of invective>
        • (2) to emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and rapidly
        • (3) to send forth with suddenness or intensity <shot a look of anger at them>
      • d. to discharge, dump, or empty especially by overturning, upending, or directing into a slide
    • 2. to affect by shooting: as
      • a. to strike with a missile especially from a bow or gun; especially to wound or kill with a missile discharged from a bow or firearm
      • b. to remove or destroy by use of firearms <shot out the light>; also wreck, explode
    • 3.
      • a. to push or slide (as the bolt of a door or lock) into or out of a fastening
      • b. to push or thrust forward ; stick out <toads shooting out their tongues>
      • c. to put forth in growing
      • d. to place, send, or bring into position abruptly
    • 4.
      • a.
        • (1) to engage in (a sport or game or a portion of a game that involves shooting) ; play <shoot pool> [c dimgray]zuoxie[ex]shoot a round of golf[/ex

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