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GRE Barron 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • v. 放纵
  • [英] v. 放纵 ( allow oneself / sb to have whatever one likes or wants) ; 满足 ( satisfy a perhaps unwarranted desire)

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

verb (indulged; indulging)

  • Etymology: Latin indulgēre to be complaisant
  • Date: circa 1623
  • transitive verb
    • 1.
      • a. to give free rein to
      • b. to take unrestrained pleasure in ; gratify
    • 2.
      • a. to yield to the desire of ; humor <please indulge me for a moment>
      • b. to treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration
  • intransitive verb
    • to indulge oneself
  • ? indulger noun
  • Synonyms:
    • indulge, pamper, humor, spoil, baby, mollycoddle mean to show undue favor to a person's desires and feelings. indulge implies excessive compliance and weakness in gratifying another's or one's own desires <indulged myself with food at the slightest excuse>. pamper implies inordinate gratification of desire for luxury and comfort with consequent enervating effect<pampered by the amenities of modern living>. humor stresses a yielding to a person's moods or whims<humored him by letting him tell the story>. spoil stresses the injurious effects on character by indulging or pampering<foolish parents spoil their children>. baby suggests excessive care, attention, or solicitude<babying students by grading too easily>. mollycoddle suggests an excessive degree of care and attention to another's health or welfare<refused to mollycoddle her malingering son>.

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