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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 幸存
- [英] v. 幸存 ( continue to exist after coming close to death)
- [类] 反义词: perish ( 死亡)
- [记] sur(在下面)+vive(生命) -> 在(事故)下面活下来 -> 幸存
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
verb (survived; surviving)
- Etymology: Middle English, to outlive, from Anglo-French survivre, from Latin supervivere, from super- + vivere to live — more at quick
- Date: 15th century
- intransitive verb
- 1. to remain alive or in existence ; live on
- 2. to continue to function or prosper
- transitive verb
- 1. to remain alive after the death of <he is survived by his wife>
- 2. to continue to exist or live after <survived the earthquake>
- 3. to continue to function or prosper despite ; withstand <they survived many hardships>
- ? survivor noun
[编辑] 记忆
[编辑] 出现过的地方