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[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 潜伏, 埋伏
- [英] v. 潜伏, 埋伏 ( to stay hidden; lie in wait)
- [类] lurk : wait / abscond : depart / hoard : save ( 潜伏是偷偷地等 / 潜逃是偷偷地走 / 隐藏是偷偷地藏)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
kintransitive verb
- Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle High German lūren to lie in wait — more at lower
- Date: 14th century
- 1.
- a. to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose
- b. to move furtively or inconspicuously
- c. to persist in staying
- 2.
- a. to be concealed but capable of being discovered; specifically to constitute a latent threat
- b. to lie hidden
- 3. to read messages on an Internet discussion forum (as a newsgroup or chat room) without contributing
- ? lurker noun
- Synonyms:
- lurk, skulk, slink, sneak mean to behave so as to escape attention. lurk implies a lying in wait in a place of concealment and often suggests an evil intent <suspicious men lurking in alleyways>. skulk suggests more strongly cowardice or fear or sinister intent<something skulking in the shadows>. slink implies moving stealthily often merely to escape attention<slunk around the corner>. sneak may add an implication of entering or leaving a place or evading a difficulty by furtive or underhanded methods<sneaked out early>.