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[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.假扮; 掩饰
- [英] v.假扮 ( to make different from usual so as to be unrecognizable) ; 掩饰 ( to obscure real nature of)
- [记] dis+guise ( 姿态, 伪装) -> 掩饰, guise本身是一个单词
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. transitive verb (disguised; disguising)
- Etymology: Middle English disgisen, from Anglo-French desguiser, deguiser, from des- dis- + guise guise
- Date: 14th century
- 1.
- a. to change the customary dress or appearance of
- b. to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity
- 2. obsolete disfigure
- 3. to obscure the existence or true state or character of ; conceal <unable to disguise his true feelings>
- ? disguisedly adverb
- ? disguisement noun
- ? disguiser noun
- Synonyms:
- disguise, cloak, mask mean to alter the dress or appearance of so as to conceal the identity or true nature. disguise implies a change in appearance or behavior that misleads by presenting a different apparent identity <disguised herself as a peasant>. cloak suggests a means of hiding a movement or an intention<cloaked their maneuvers in secrecy>. mask suggests some often obvious means of hiding or disguising something<smiling to mask his discontent>.
II. noun
- Date: 14th century
- 1. apparel assumed to conceal one's identity or counterfeit another's
- 2. the act of disguising
- 3.
- a. form misrepresenting the true nature of something <blessings in disguise>
- b. an artificial manner ; pretense <threw off all disguise>