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[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.廢除,廢止
- [英]廢除,廢止(to end the observance or effect of )
[编辑] 记忆
transitive verb 1: to end the observance or effect of : annul <abolish a law> <abolish slavery> 2: destroy — abol·ish·able \-li-shə-bəl\ adjective — abol·ish·er noun — abol·ish·ment \-mənt\ noun
Examples of ABOLISH He is in favor of abolishing the death penalty. <the U.S. abolished slavery by constitutional amendment on December 6, 1865> Origin of ABOLISH Middle English abolisshen, from Middle French aboliss-, stem of abolir, from Latin abolēre; probably akin to adolescere to grow up — more at adult First Known Use: 15th century Related to ABOLISH Synonyms: abate, abrogate, annul, avoid, cancel, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, roll back, strike down, vacate, void, do away with, set aside Related Words: countermand, override, overrule, overturn, veto; abort, call, call off, drop, recall, retract, reverse, revoke, suspend, withdraw; ban, enjoin, forbid, outlaw, prohibit; disallow, dismiss, reject; annihilate, break down, eliminate, eradicate, erase, liquidate, remove, throw out, write offNear Antonyms: enact, lay down, legislate; establish, found, institute; formalize, legalize, legitimate, legitimize, validate; pass, ratify; allow, approve, authorize, clear, endorse (also indorse), permit, sanction, warrant; command, decree, mandate, order, prescribesee all synonyms and antonyms [+]more[-]hide Rhymes with ABOLISH demolish Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: abolition Previous Word in the Dictionary: aboil All Words Near: abolish