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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.鞣 ( 革)
- [英] v.鞣 ( 革) ( to convert [hide] into leather)
- [同] 派生词: tanner ( n.制革工人)
- [例] tan sheepskin ( 将羊皮制成皮革)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. verb (tanned; tanning)
- Etymology: Middle English tannen, from Anglo-French tanner, from Medieval Latin tannare, from tanum, tannum tanbark
- Date: 13th century
- transitive verb
- intransitive verb
- to get or become tanned
II. adjective (tanner; tannest)
- Date: 1586
- 1. of, relating to, or used for tan or tanning
- 2. of the color tan
III. noun
- Etymology: French, tanbark, from Old French, from Medieval Latin tanum
- Date: 1674
- 1. a tanning material or its active agent (as tannin)
- 2. a brown color imparted to the skin especially by exposure to the sun
- 3. a light yellowish brown
- 4. plural tan-colored articles of clothing
IV. abbreviation
- tangent