目录 |
[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj.外来的; 无关的
- [英] adj.外来的 ( coming from outside) ; 无关的 ( not pertinent; extrinsic)
- [类] 反义词: relevant ( 相关的) ; apposite ( 适当的) ; intrinsic ( 本质的) ; essential ( 本质的)
- [记] extran ( 外面) +eous -> 外来的
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Latin extraneus — more at strange
- Date: 1638
- 1. existing on or coming from the outside <extraneous light>
- 2.
- a. not forming an essential or vital part <extraneous ornamentation>
- b. having no relevance <an extraneous digression>
- 3. being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation <extraneous roots>
- Synonyms: see extrinsic
- ? extraneously adverb
- ? extraneousness noun