GRE 蓝宝
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 偏离, 迷路adj. 迷了路的; 零落的
- [英] v. 偏离, 迷路 ( wander away) ;
- [类] stray : group / digress : subject ( 离群是离开群体 / 离题是离开主题)
- [例] The streets were empt except for a few stray passers-by.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estraié, past participle of estraier
- Date: 13th century
- 1.
- a. a domestic animal that is wandering at large or is lost
- b. a person or thing that strays
- 2. \[Middle English, from straien to stray\] archaic the act of going astray
II. intransitive verb
- Etymology: Middle English straien, from Anglo-French estraier, from Vulgar Latin *extravagare, from Latin extra- outside + vagari to wander — more at extra-
- Date: 14th century
- wander: as
- a. to wander from company, restraint, or proper limits
- b. to roam about without fixed direction or purpose
- c. to move in a winding course ; meander
- d. to move without conscious or intentional effort <eyes straying absently around the room>
- e. to become distracted from an argument or chain of thought <strayed from the point>
- f. to wander accidentally from a fixed or chosen route
- g. err, sin
- ? strayer noun
III. adjective
- Date: 1589
- 1. having strayed or escaped from a proper or intended place <a stray dog><hit by a stray bullet><fixed a few stray hairs>
- 2. occurring at random or sporadically <a few stray thoughts>
- 3. not serving any useful purpose ; unwanted <stray light>