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GRE 蓝宝 Barron TOEFL 考研


[编辑] 解释

[编辑] GRE 红宝书

  • adj. 显而易见的; n.专利权 ( 证书)
  • [英] adj. 显而易见的 ( readily visible; obvious) ;
  • [记] pat ( 公开) +ent -> 公开的 -> 显然的;
  • [同] 参考: patency ( 明显)

[编辑] Webster Collegiate

I. adjective

  • Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin patent-, patens, from present participle of patēre to be open — more at fathom
  • Date: 14th century
  • 1.
    • a. open to public inspection — used chiefly in the phrase letters patent
    • b.
      • (1) secured by letters patent or by a patent to the exclusive control and possession of a particular individual or party
      • (2) protected by a patent ; made under a patent <patent locks>
    • c. protected by a trademark or a brand name so as to establish proprietary rights analogous to those conveyed by letters patent or a patent ; proprietary <patent drugs>
  • 2. of, relating to, or concerned with the granting of patents especially for inventions <a patent lawyer>
  • 3. making exclusive or proprietary claims or pretensions
  • 4. affording free passage ; unobstructed <a patent opening>
  • 5. patulous, spreading <a patent calyx>
  • 6. archaic accessible, exposed
  • 7. readily visible or intelligible ; obvious
  • Synonyms: see evident
  • ? patently adverb

II. noun

  • Date: 14th century
  • 1. an official document conferring a right or privilege ; letters patent
  • 2.
    • a. a writing securing for a term of years the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention
    • b. the monopoly or right so granted
    • c. a patented invention
  • 3. privilege, license
  • 4. an instrument making a conveyance of public lands; also the land so conveyed
  • 5. patent leather

III. transitive verb

  • Date: 1675
  • 1. to obtain or grant a patent right to
  • 2. to grant a privilege, right, or license to by patent
  • 3. to obtain or secure by patent; especially to secure by letters patent exclusive right to make, use, or sell
  • ? patentability noun
  • ? patentable adjective

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