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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj.言行谨慎的
- [英] adj.言行谨慎的 ( prudent; careful)
- [记] dis+creet ( 分辨出来) -> 小心的;注意不要和discrete ( 分开的) 相混
- [例] You can tell anything to Jane. She is very discreet.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French discret, from Medieval Latin discretus, from Latin, past participle of discernere to separate, distinguish between — more at discern
- Date: 14th century
- 1. having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech ; prudent; especially capable of preserving prudent silence
- 2. unpretentious, modest <the warmth and discreet elegance of a civilized home — Joseph Wechsberg>
- 3. unobtrusive, unnoticeable <followed at a discreet distance>
- ? discreetly adverb
- ? discreetness noun