GRE 蓝宝
目录 |
[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n.大看台; v. 哗众取宠
- [英] v. 哗众取宠 ( act ostentatiously to impress others)
- [类] grandstand : impress / equivocate : deceive ( 哗众取宠是为了留下印象 / 含糊其词是为了欺骗)
- [例] a grandstand view or French post-war history
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Date: 1831
- 1. a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium
- 2. audience
II. adjective
- Date: 1888
- done for show or to impress onlookers <a grandstand play>
III. intransitive verb
- Date: 1900
- to play or act so as to impress onlookers
- ? grandstander noun