GRE 蓝宝
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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- adj. 令人厌恶的
- [英] adj. 令人厌恶的 ( exciting distaste or aversion)
- [记] re ( 反) +pugn ( 打斗) +ant -> 反过去打 -> 令人厌恶的
- [同] 同根词: pugnacious ( 好斗的)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
- Etymology: Middle English, opposed, contradictory, incompatible, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~-, repugnans, present participle of repugnare to fight against, from re- + pugnare to fight — more at pungent
- Date: 15th century
- 1. incompatible, inconsistent
- 2. archaic hostile
- 3. exciting distaste or aversion zuoxie~ languageyouxie zuoxiea morally ~ practiceyouxie
- ? ~ly adverb