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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.刺探; 撬开
- [英] v. 刺探 ( make nosy or presumptuous inquiry) ; 撬开 ( pull apart with a lever)
- [类] importune : request / pry : inquiry ( 强求是拼命要求 / 刺探是拼命询问)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. intransitive verb (pried; prying)
- Etymology: Middle English prien
- Date: 14th century
- to look closely or inquisitively; also to make a nosy or presumptuous inquiry
II. transitive verb (pried; prying)
- Etymology: probably back-formation from [sup]5[/sup]prize
- Date: circa 1806
- 1. to raise, move, or pull apart with a lever ; prize
- 2. to extract, detach, or open with difficulty <pried the secret out of my sister>
III. noun
- Date: 1823
- 1. a tool for prying
- 2. leverage