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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v. 预防注射
- [英] v. 预防注射 ( to inject a serum, vaccine to create immunity)
- [记] in ( 进入) +ocul ( 萌芽, 眼睛) +ate -> ( 接种) 进入萌芽 -> 预防注射_
- [例] Have you been inoculated against measles yet?
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
transitive verb (-lated; -lating)
- Etymology: Middle English, to insert a bud in a plant, from Latin inoculatus, past participle of inoculare, from in- + oculus eye, bud — more at eye
- Date: 1721
- 1.
- a. to introduce a microorganism into <inoculate mice with anthrax><beans inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria>
- b. to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth
- c. to introduce immunologically active material (as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease <inoculate children against diphtheria>
- 2. to introduce something into the mind of
- 3. to protect as if by inoculation
- Synonyms: see infuse
- ? inoculative adjective
- ? inoculator noun