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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n. / v. ( 因自尊心受伤害而导致的) 不悦, 愤怒
- [英] n. / v. ( 因自尊心受伤害而导致的) 不悦, 愤怒 ( resentment; v. to arouse anger or resentment: irritate)
- [类] 反义词: mollify ( 抚慰)
- [记] pique ( 刺激) -> 因刺激而不高兴
- [例] She went off in a pique.
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Date: 1592
- a transient feeling of wounded vanity ; resentment <a fit of pique>
- Synonyms: see offense
II. transitive verb (piqued; piquing)
- Etymology: French piquer, literally, to prick — more at pike
- Date: 1669
- 1. to arouse anger or resentment in ; irritate <what piques linguistic conservatives — T. H. Middleton>
- 2.
- a. to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff <sly remarks to pique their curiosity>
- b. pride <he piques himself on his skill as a cook>
- Synonyms: see provoke