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[编辑] 解释
[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- v.派遣; 一下子做完、吃完; n.迅速
- [英] v.派遣 ( to send off or out promptly) ; 一下子做完、吃完 ( to eat up quickly) ; n.迅速 ( promptness; haste)
- [记] dis+patch ( 妨碍) -> 去掉妨碍 -> 迅速完成;
- [同] 参考: patch ( 补丁 -> 有碍外观)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. verb
- Etymology: Spanish despachar or Italian dispacciare, from Occitan despachar to get rid of, from Middle French despechier to set free, from Old French, from des- dis- + -pechier (as in enpechier to ensnare) — more at impeach
- Date: 1517
- transitive verb
- intransitive verb
- archaic to make haste ; hurry
- Synonyms: see kill
- ? dispatcher noun
II. noun
- Date: 1537
- 1.
- a. a message sent with speed; especially an important official message sent by a diplomatic, military, or naval officer
- b. a news item filed by a correspondent
- 2. the act of dispatching: as
- 3. promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission <done with dispatch>
- Synonyms: see haste