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[编辑] 阅读抽象词提速法





[编辑] 什么叫抽象词

1、 并非GRE或GMAT词汇书里的词,而是一个你认识的词
2、 用一句话解释不清楚
3、 你在阅读的时候,突然想不明白这个词放在句子当中或文章当中是什么意思了。
Exmaple:…be a descriptive distinction rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value.
Psychological principle law reality emotion appraise intensity correspond observation identically mistakenly perceive

[编辑] 阅读抽象词训练法




[编辑] 阅读抽象词

  1. Abolitionism
  2. Assume
  3. Commentary
  4. Academic
  5. Assumption
  6. Commit
  7. Acceptance
  8. Attain
  9. Competent
  10. Accidental
  11. Attitude
  12. Complex
  13. Accommodate
  14. Attune
  15. Comprise
  16. Acknowledge
  17. Authenticate
  18. Conception
  19. Acknowledgement
  20. Authorization
  21. Conceptual
  22. Acquisition
  23. Availability
  24. Conclusion
  25. Address
  26. Beset
  27. Conditional
  28. Adjustment
  29. Boom
  30. Configuration
  31. Aesthetic
  32. Border
  33. Confine
  34. Anecdotal
  35. Broad
  36. Confrontation
  37. Antithesis
  38. Capable
  39. Confuse
  40. Apparently
  41. Channel
  42. Congenial
  43. Apportion
  44. Characteristic
  45. Consequently
  46. Appraise
  47. Characterization
  48. Considerably
  49. Approach
  50. Charting
  51. Consign
  52. Approximation
  53. Claim
  54. Constitute
  55. Apt
  56. Classical
  57. Constitution
  58. Architectural
  59. Clerical
  60. Construct
  61. Argue
  62. Clinical
  63. Construction
  64. Art
  65. Coexistent
  66. Consume
  67. Artifact
  68. Coherently
  69. Consumption
  70. Aspect
  71. Coincidently
  72. Contemplate
  73. Assess
  74. Commend
  75. Contemporary
  76. Contend
  77. Distinguished
  78. Function
  79. Contentious
  80. Doctrine
  81. Functional
  82. Continuously
  83. Domain
  84. Fundamental
  85. Contravention
  86. Draft
  87. Gain
  88. Conventionalize
  89. Dramatize
  90. General
  91. Conventionally
  92. Drawing
  93. Generalization
  94. Correspond
  95. Corrupt
  96. Council
  97. Counteraction
  98. Counterexample
  99. Critical
  100. Crucial
  101. Debate
  102. Defend
  103. Definition
  104. Demanding
  105. Democracy
  106. Denote
  107. Departure
  108. Depiction
  109. Derivative
  110. Descriptive
  111. Devise
  112. Devoted
  113. Diagnose
  114. Dimension
  115. Discernible
  116. Discerning
  117. Discharge
  118. Discursive
  119. Dismal
  120. Dismay
  121. Dispute
  122. Dissemination
  123. Dissension
  124. Dissolution
  125. Distinction
  126. Distinguish
  127. Dubious
  128. Ecclesiastical
  129. edition
  130. Effect
  131. Elementary
  132. Emancipation
  133. Emotional
  134. Empirical
  135. Emulate
  136. Encompass
  137. Encounter
  138. Encouraging
  139. Energetic
  140. Enfranchisement
  141. Engage
  142. Engagement
  143. Epistemology
  144. Established
  145. Establishment
  146. Ethics
  147. Ethnic
  148. Event
  149. Exceed
  150. Exclusively
  151. Expense
  152. Explanatory
  153. Extension
  154. Facility
  155. Feeling
  156. Fitness
  157. Fortuitous
  158. Foster
  159. Framework
  160. Genuine
  161. Genus
  162. Given
  163. Global
  164. Grateful
  165. Ground
  166. Hard-nosed
  167. Horizontal
  168. Identical
  169. Identification
  170. Identify
  171. Illusory
  172. Implication
  173. Impression
  174. Impulse
  175. Inadvertent
  176. Incentive
  177. Incidence
  178. Incomparable
  179. Incompatibility
  180. Incorporate
  181. Indicate
  182. Individualism
  183. Inert
  184. Inevitably
  185. Infinite
  186. Informal
  187. Inherently
  188. Inhibit
  189. Innocent
  190. Innuendo
  191. Inordinately
  192. Inquiry
  193. Insofar
  194. Inspiration
  195. Instance
  196. Institution
  197. Insufficient
  198. Insult
  199. Intellectual
  200. Intensely
  201. Intensity
  202. Intentional
  203. Interact
  204. Interpretation
  205. Intricacy
  206. Intriguing
  207. Intuitive
  208. Inversion
  209. Invert
  210. Investigation
  211. Inveterate
  212. Irrational
  213. Judgment
  214. Justification
  215. Justify
  216. Law
  217. Lawsuit
  218. League
  219. Legacy
  220. literalize
  221. Literally
  222. Literary
  223. Literature
  224. Logic
  225. Maintain
  226. Mandate
  227. Margin
  228. Mastery
  229. Means
  230. Mechanically
  231. Mechanism
  232. Mental
  233. Merit
  234. Midst
  235. Mistakenly
  236. Momentous
  237. Morality
  238. Multiple
  239. Necessarily
  240. Negation
  241. Negative
  242. Nonviable
  243. Notable
  244. Nuclear
  245. Numerously
  246. Object
  247. Objective
  248. Observation
  249. Observational
  250. Occurrence
  251. Official
  252. Omission
  253. Ongoing
  254. Organization
  255. Orientation
  256. Originality
  257. Panic
  258. Particularly
  259. Pedagogical
  260. Perceive
  261. Percept
  262. Perception
  263. Perceptive
  264. Perceptual
  265. Perfunctory
  266. Perplexed
  267. Perplexity
  268. Pervasive
  269. Phenomena
  270. Physical
  271. Pictorial
  272. Picture
  273. Pinpoint
  274. Plague
  275. Plausible
  276. Pleading
  277. Pledge
  278. Polarity
  279. Positional
  280. Positive
  281. Possibility
  282. Practical
  283. Precisely
  284. Presence
  285. Pretend
  286. Previously
  287. Prey
  288. Principal
  289. Principle
  290. Privacy
  291. Privately
  292. Problematic
  293. Proceed
  294. Process
  295. Procure
  296. Prominence
  297. Prompt
  298. Property
  299. Proportionately
  300. Proposal
  301. Provision
  302. Psychological
  303. Psychologist
  304. Purposive
  305. Pursuit
  306. Qualified
  307. Qualitatively
  308. Quantitatively
  309. Radical
  310. Respectively
  311. Striking
  312. Rather
  313. Respond
  314. Strip
  315. Ration
  316. Responsible
  317. Reaction
  318. Readily
  319. Reality
  320. Realm
  321. Rear
  322. Reception
  323. Receptive
  324. Recognizable
  325. Recount
  326. Refute
  327. Regional
  328. Regulate
  329. Regulation
  330. Remarkable
  331. Remedy
  332. Remembrance
  333. Render
  334. Repetitive
  335. Representation
  336. Repute
  337. Rescuer
  338. Reservation
  339. Resolution
  340. Resourceful
  341. Responsive
  342. Revise
  343. Rightness
  344. Rigorously
  345. Salvation
  346. Saturated
  347. Scheme
  348. Secure
  349. Seductive
  350. Seem
  351. Senate
  352. Sequential
  353. Servitude
  354. Signal
  355. Specter
  356. Speculation
  357. Speculative
  358. Sphere
  359. Statement
  360. Stationary
  361. Stature
  362. Statute
  363. Stimuli
  364. Strait
  365. Structural
  366. Studied
  367. Substantial
  368. Substitute
  369. Suffrage
  370. Synthesize
  371. Technical
  372. Training
  373. Trait
  374. Trample
  375. Transcription
  376. Unavailing
  377. Unconscionable
  378. Underlying
  379. Underplay
  380. Understanding
  381. Unerring
  382. Unremitting
  383. Untangle
  384. Vain
  385. Value
  386. Virtual
  387. Virtue
  388. Visionary
  389. whereas

[编辑] 阅读抽象词组

  1. A wide range
  2. Be bereft of
  3. Constitute for
  4. Accede to
  5. Account for
  6. Act on
  7. Aesthetic experience
  8. As it were
  9. As long as
  10. Attest to
  11. Be aimed at
  12. Be bound to
  13. Be compensated for
  14. Be directed at
  15. Biological remains
  16. Composers of Beethoven’s stature
  17. Confer on
  18. Conferred by
  19. Ecological stabilization
  20. Economic interest
  21. Emotional life
  22. Explain away
  23. Farewell performance
  24. If only
  25. In any event
  26. In favor of
  27. In passing
  28. In spite of
  29. In the first place
  30. Intent on
  31. Internal to
  32. In the guise of
  33. In view of
  34. Must be careful about
  35. Naturalistic modes of expression
  36. Nonaesthetic emotion
  37. Not least by a sense of form
  38. One of the questions of interest
  39. Only if
  40. Order of magnitude
  41. Other than
  42. Perceive…as…
  43. Point to
  44. Properties of reality
  45. Psychotic fantasy
  46. Raise issues
  47. Regardless of
  48. Scholarly journals
  49. Selectively neutral
  50. Serve to do
  51. Shore up
  52. Sit in judgment on
  53. So called
  54. Substitute for
  55. Take into account
  56. Take responsibility for
  57. Technically unconventional
  58. The notions of Black identity
  59. Unattributable to
  60. Verges on
  61. Vivid imagination
  62. Work on

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