王玉梅TOEFL词汇 --> ABC部分 DEF部分 GHI部分 JKL部分 MNOP部分 QRST部分 UVWXYZ部分 全部单词
[编辑] J
jar jealousy jelly jellyfish jewel jeweler jewelry jibe with jog jogging jolt jolting journal journalism journalist journalistic jubilant judgement judgement judicious juice juicy jumble junction juncture jungle jurisdiction jurisdiction jury justice justify justly juvenile juxtaposition
[编辑] K
keen ken kennel kernel kerosene keyboard kiln kinetic kingdom knapsack kymograph
[编辑] L
labor movement labor union laborer laborious laboriously labyrinth lace lag lament lampshade landing landmass landscape landslide landslide largely larvae larynx laser lash lasting latent lateral latitude latitude launch laundry laurels lava lave lavish lawn lawsuit lawsuit lay layer layering layman layout leadership leading league leak leaky leap learn by rote lease ledge legacy legend legendary legible legislate legislation legislature legume leisure leisurely lengthen lengthy leopard lethal lethargic lethargy lettuce liable of libel liberal liberally liberate liberty life span lifesaver lift light bulb likewise limb limestone lineage linen linger linguistic linguistics liquid literacy literally literary literate lithograph lithosphere litter livelihood lively liver livestock living quarters load loathsome lobby lobster locality locally locate location locomote locomotion locomotion locomotive locomotive locoweed lodge lodging log log cabin log cabin logic logical longevity longitude long-lasting long-range long-standing loom loop loose loosen lore lucrative lull lumber lumbering luminosity luminous lunar lure luster lustrous luxurious luxury lyric lyrically lyricist