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[编辑] A

a cushion of a good deal a great deal a pivotal figure a range of abandon abandoned abandonment abbreviate abbreviation abide abiding ability ablaze ablaze abnormal abnormal aboard abolish abolition abolitionist abort abound abrasion abrasive abrupt absence absent absentee absenteeism absolute absolutely absorb absorption abstract absurd abundance abundant abundantly abuse abut academic academician accelerate accelerated accelerating acceleration access accessibility accessible accessory accident accidental accidentally acclaim acclaimed accommodate accommodating accompaniment accompany accompanying accomplish accomplished accomplishment accordion account accountant accounting accredit accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accusation accuse accustomed accustomed achieve achievement acid acidic acidity acquaint acquaint acquaintance acquaintance acquainted acquire acquisition acronym activate actively actual actually actuate acumen acupuncture acute adapt adaptable adaptation adaptive addict addictive additional additive adept adept adequate adhere adhesive adjacent adjoin adjoining adjunct adjust adjustment administer administration administrative administrator admiration admire admit admittedly adobe adolescent adopt adoption adorn adornment advance advanced advancement advent adventure adventure adventurer adventurous adverse adverse adversely adversity advocate aerodynamics aesthetic affect affected affection affectionate affective affiliate affinity affirm afflict afflict affliction affluent afford affordable agenda aggravate aggravating aggregate aggregation aggressive aggressiveness agile agility agitation agreeable agriculture ailment aim air air conditioner airborne aircraft aircraft air-cushion vehicle airsickness ajar ajar akin alchemy alder alert algae alien alignment alike all but all inclusive allegation allegory alliteration allocate alloy allude ally aloft alone aloof alter alteration alternate alternately alternation alternative altitude aluminum amateur amaze amazement amazing ambience ambition ambitious ambivalence ambivalent amble amble amenable amend amendment Amendment amendment amenity amid amnesia amount ample amplification amplify an army of analogous analogy analysis analyze anarchist anatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anecdotal anecdote anesthesia anesthetic anesthetic angular animated annex annihilate announce announce announcement announcer annoy annoying annual annually anomaly anonymous antedate anthem anthology anthropology antibiotic anticipate anticipation antiquate antiquated antique antiquity antiseptic anxious apart from apologize apology appeal appealing appetite applaud appliance applicant application apply appoint appointment apportion appraisal appreciable appreciate appreciation apprentice approach approaching appropriate appropriate appropriation approval approve approximate approximately apt aptly aquamarine aquarium aquatic arbitrary arboreal arc archaeological archaeology archipelago architect architectural architecture ardent arduous arena aria arid arithmetic armor armored armory arms aroma aromatic arouse arrange arrangement array array arsenal arthritis article articulate artificial artisan as a rule as a rule of thumb as far as as such ascend ascending ascent ascent ascribe aspect aspect aspiration aspiring assault assemblage assemble assembly assembly line assert assess assessment asset assignment assimilate assist assistance assistant assistantship associate association assorted assortment assume assumption assure assuredly astonish astonished astonishing astound astounding astronomer astronomical astronomy astute asymmetrical asymmetrical at intervals at one session at the cutting edge of atheist athlete atmosphere atom atomic atomization atrophy attach attached attachment attain attainment attempt attend attendance attendant attention attire attorney attract attraction attractive attribute audible audience audit audition auditorium auger augment aurora authentic authenticate authority authorize autobiographical autobiography autobiography automated automatic automotive autonomous autonomy auxiliary available avalanche avant-garde avenue average averse aversion avert aviation aviator avid avocation avocation avocational avoid avoidable avoidance awareness awkward awkwardly axis

[编辑] B

baboon baby boom baby-sitter bachelor back and forth backbone backdrop backpack baggage balance balanced bald bald eagle ballet balloon balloonist balmy ban band bandanna bandleader bandmaster bang banker bankrupt bankruptcy banner bar barb barbecue barbecue barbed wire barber bare barely barge bark barn baroque barrel barren barrenness barrier barter basement basin be characterized by be composed of be informed about be reserved to be taken by be up to bead beaded beak beam beam bean bear beard beat bedrock behalf behave behavior belie believe in bellows belong to below beneath beneath beneficial benefit benign bequest bequest besides besiege bestow betray betray beverage bias bicameral big deal bilateral bilateral bill billion biographer biography biography biological diversity biologist bison bitter bitterness bizarre blacksmith blame bland blanket blast blast furnace blaze blazing blazing bleach bleak bleak blend blessing blink blizzard block bloom bloom blossom blues bluff blunt blush board boarder boardinghouse boast boastful boiling point bold bolster bonanza bond boom boon boost bore boredom boring boulder bounce bounce bound boundary boundless bouquet bow bowl bowlegged braid braid brain brawl brawling breach break all ties with break apart break out break up breakdown=break down breakup breath breathe breathing breathless breathtaking breed breeze brighten brilliance brilliantly brim briny brisk briskness briskness brittle broad-brimmed broadcast broaden brochure bronze brook brown brownish bubble buckle bud buddy budget buggy building block bulb bulb bulk bulky bump bunch bundle burdensome burgeon burning burrow bush bust bustle butter butter butterfly buzz buzzer by a factor of by chance by far by-product

[编辑] C

cab cabin cabinetmaker cacti cadence calculate calculation calculator calibration calm camouflage campaign cancel cancellation candid candidate cannibalism canopy canvas canyon canyon capability capability capable capacity capillary captivity carapace carat carbohydrate carbon dioxide cardiac cardinal career careerism careful careless carelessly cargo caricature carnival carnivorous carve carver carving cassette cast cast away cast off casting cast-iron casual catalyst catalyze catastrophe catch on catching categorize category cater caterpillar caterpillar cathedral cause caution cautious cautiously cavern cavity cease ceaseless celebrate celebrated celebrity celestial cell cellist cello census centennial centigrade ceremonial ceremony chafe chagrin chalk chamber champion champion championship championship chaos chaotic chapel character characteristic characterize charcoal charitable chart charter chaste chaste chat chateau check check out checkout checkup chef cherish chill chilli chilly chilly chimpanzee chisel chivalry choke chop choppy chord chore choreograph choreographer choreographic choreography chorus chromosphere chronic chronological chronology chubby chunk chunk cider cipher circle circuit circular circulate circulation circumference circumscribe circumstance citadel cite citizenship civil civil rights civil war civilian civility civilization claim clam clamor clan clap clarification clarify classification classify clause clay clergy clergyman cliff climate climatic cling clinic clinical clip clockwise clog clumsy cluster clutch coach coalesce coalescence coalition coarse coax code of laws codify coexist coffeepot cognitive coherence coherent cohesion cohesive coil coin coinage coincide coincidence coincidence coincident coincident collaborate collaboration collapse colleague colleague collective collide collision colloquial colloquialism colonel colonial colonize colony colossal combination combine combustible combustible combustion combustion comet cometary comic comical commander commemorate commemorate comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commercialize commission commissioner commit commitment committed committee commodity commonplace commonsense communal communicate communication community community commute commuter compact compaction companion comparable comparative comparatively compatible compel compensate compensation compensatory compete competence competent competing competition competition competitiveness compile complacence complain complaint complement complementary complex complexity complicated complication complicity compliment complimentary comply with component compose composition compound compound eyes comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensive compress compressed compression comprise compromise compromise compulsory computation compute concave conceal concede conceive concentric concept conception conception conceptual concert concerted concerto concise conciseness conclude conclusive concomitant concrete concurrent concurrent condemn condemnation condensation condense condense condenser condenser condiment condition conditioning condor conduct conductivity conductor cone confederacy confederate confer conference confess confession confide confidence confident configuration confine confined to bed confinement confining confirm confirmation conflict conflicting confluence conform conformity confront confuse confuse…with… confusion confusion congenial congenial congenital congested congestion conglomerate congratulation congregate congress congressional congressman conifer conjectural conjecture connect connection connoisseur conscience conscientious conscious consciously consciousness consecutive consequence consequence consequent consequently conservation conservationist conservatism conservative conserve considerable considerably considerate consideration consistency consistent consistently consonant consort consortium conspicuous conspiracy constant constantly constellation consternation constituent constitute constitution constitutional constrain constrain constraint constraint constrict constricted construct construction consult consultant consume consumer consumption contact contagious contagious contain container contaminate contamination contemplate contemporary contemporary contender contender content contented contention context contiguous continent continental continuation continuity continuum contour contract contraction contractor contradict contradictory contrary contrast contribute to controversial controversy convenience convenient convention conventional conventionally converge conversant conversation conversational converse converse conversion conversion convert converter convex convict conviction convinced convincing convivial cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate coordinated coordination copper coral reef core corn cornet corps correlate correlated correspond correspondence correspondence corresponding corrosion corrosive corruption cosmic cosmopolitan costume cottonwood counsel counseling counselor counteract counterbalance counterclockwise counterclockwise counterfeit counterpart countless couple coupled with courier court courteously courthouse courtly courtship cover coverage coverage cowboy cowhand cozy crab crack craft craft craftspeople cram cramped crash crater crawl crayon crayon craze crazy credence credentials credit creditor creek creep crevice crew crimson cripple crippling crisscross critical critical point critique crooked crossbones crossbreeding crossbreeding crosscut crossing crow crude crumble crumple crush crust crust crustacean crystal crystalline crystallization crystallize crystallized Cuban cube cubic cubism cucumber cue culinary culminate cultivate cultivation culture cumbersome cupboard curator curiosity curious currency current currently curriculum cushion custodian custom customarily customer customs customs cuticle cyclone cylinder

