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[编辑] G
galaxy gallant gallantry gallery galvanization galvanize gap garb garbage gaseous gasoline gasoline gauge gazette gear gem gemstone generalization generalize generate generous genesis genetic genetically genetics genial genre gentility genuine geomagnetic germ get in the way of get rid of giant gibe gigantic gilding girder girder give way to glacial glacier glamorous gland glandular glare glassware glassware glaze glazed glean glide glider glimpse global glorify glossy glowing gnaw go broke goal gold rush gorgeous gorilla gospel gossip gourmand gourmet govern governor grab grace graceful graduate graft graft grand grandeur granite graph graphic graphics graphite grasp grasshopper grateful gravitation gravitational gravitational field gravitational force gravitational pull gravity graze graze grazing land grease greedy grind grip grope grumble guarantee gulf gull gulp gush gust gymnastic gymnastics gyration
[编辑] H
habitat habitat hail hallmark halt ham hamburger hamper handful handicap handicraft hands-on handy haphazard harbor harden hardware hardware hardware hardy harmful harmless harmonic harmonica harmonious harmonize harmony harness harsh harshness harvest haste hasten hatch hatchery hatchet hatchling haul haul haunt haunted haven hay hazard hazardous haze hazel headquarters heal healing healthful heaven heavenly heed heel heighten heir helium helper helpful helpless hem hemisphere hemisphere herald herculean herd herder heredity heritage heritage heroism hesitate hestiant heterogeneous heyday heyday hibernate hibernation hide hierarchy highlight highlight hike hillbilly hilly hinder hinge hint hinterland Hispanic hoe hold a large stake hollow homemade homesick homespun homogeneous homogeneous homogenize horde horizon horizontal horn hornbill horned hornet horror horror film horticulture hospitable hostile hostility house hover hovercraft hovercraft hovercraft hub huddle hue humanist humanistic humanitarian humanity humble humid humidity humiliate humility hummingbird humorous hump hunger hurl hurricane hurricane husk hustle hydrogen hydrosphere hygiene hypersensitive hypersensitive hypothesis hypothesis hypothesize
[编辑] I
ice cream cone ice sheet iceberg icicle icon iconographic identical identifiable identification identify identity ideological ideology idiom idiomatic idyllic igneous ignite ignorance ignorant ignore illegible illegible illiterate illiterate illuminate illumination illusion illusive illustrate illustration image imagery imaginary imaginative imbalance imbibe imitate imitation immediate immediately immense immigrant immigrant immigration immobile immobile immobilize immobilize immune immune system immunity immunity impact impair impart impartial impartially impede impediment impending imperative impermeable impersonal impersonate impersonation impetus implement implication implicit implicit imply import impose imposing impracticality impressive imprint imprisonment improbable improvise improviser improvision impulse impulse in accord with in addition to in common in conjunction with in scale in terms of inability inaccessible inactivate inadequate inanimate inappropriate inaugurate incandescent incapacitate incense incentive incessant incidence incident incidentally incise incisive inclination inclined inclusive incompatible incompatible incomprehensible inconclusive incongruity incongruous inconvenient incorpoarate incorporation incredible incredulity incur indefinite indefinitely indent indent indented indenture indenture independent indicate indicative indifference indifferent indigestion indigestion indiscriminately indiscrimination indispensable individualism induce inducible industrial industrialization industrialized industrious inelastic ineligible inert inevitably inextricably infancy infancy infection infectious inferior inferiority infertile infertile infest infiltrate infirmary inflate inflation inflexible inflict influential influenza influx influx informal informal informative informed infuse infusion infusion ingenious ingeniously ingredient inhabit inhabitant inherent inherit inheritance inhibit initial initially initiate inject injury injustice innate innermost innocent innovation innovative innumerable inoffensive inorganic chemical inpractical inquiry insanity insert insight insignificant insist insistence inspect inspection inspector inspiration inspire inspiring install installment instantaneous instinct instinctive instinctively institute institution institutionalize instruct instruction instructive instrument instrumental instrumentalist insufficient insulation insulin insult insulting insurmountable insurmountable intact integral integrate integrated integrity intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligible intense intense intensify intensive intention intentionally interact interaction interactive interconnected interconnecting interdependence interdependent interdependent interest interfere interference interior interlocking intermediate intermediate intermittent internal interpersonal interpretation interrupt intersect intersected intersection intersection interstellar interstellar interval intervention intimacy intimate intoxication intoxication intrepid intricate intricately intrigue intriguing intrinsic introspective intruder intruding intrusion inundate inundate invade invader invariably invasion inventory invertebrate invertebrate investigate investigation inviting involuntary involuntary ion ionosphere ironic irony irradiate irregular irregularly irrelevant irrelevant irreparable irresistible irresistible irresponsible irresponsible irreverence irreverence irreverent irreverent irreversible irreversible irrevocable irrigate irrigation irritable irritate irritating isolate isolated isolation issue iterate itinerant itinerary