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- GRE 红宝书/ABC (←链入页面)
- GRE 红宝书/ALL (←链入页面)
- GRE 红宝书/2006 (←链入页面)
- GRE 红宝书/List 06 (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080119-Politics - Economics- Case Shines Spotlight On Advocacy Groups (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080117-Republicans and Taxes (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080115-Trader Made Billions on Subprime- John Paulson Bet Big on Drop in Housing Values- Greenspan Gets a New Gig- Soros Does Lunch (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080115-Beautiful Country- Understanding American Philanthropy- Online edition (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080112-The Lost Archive- Missing for a half century- a cache of photos spurs sensitive research on Islam-s holy text (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080122-Bill Clinton May Get Payout Of --36-20 Million (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080124-The Giuliani Tax Cut (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080125-The Wait of the World-s on Dan Brown- -Da Vinci Code- Author Has Sluggish Publishing Industry In Suspense Over Follow-Up (←链入页面)
- The New York Times-20080126-Richard G- Darman- Policy Aide and Deal Maker for 5 Presidents- Is Dead at 64- -Obituary -Obit-- (←链入页面)
- The New York Times-20080126-UConn Suspends 2 Players- Including No- 2 Scorer (←链入页面)
- The New York Times-20080127-Extra Helping (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080128-Cyclist-s Foundation Links to For-Profit- Demand Media- Armstrong Team Up On Wellness Site (←链入页面)
- The New York Times-20080128-Indonesians Mourn Suharto- Despite the Dictator-s Brutal Legacy (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080129-SafeNet Ex-Executive Gets 6 Months for Backdating (←链入页面)
- The New York Times-20080129-Backdating Case Brings a Prison Term (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080204-The Color of Charity (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080214-Campaign -08- Bill Clinton-s Complex Charities- Former President Works Global Ties- Giustra Relations (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080214-If You Collect- the IRS May Collect From You- Capital-Gains Tax And Estate Levies Could Be Payable (←链入页面)
- The Wall Street Journal-20080216-Encore -A Special Report-- 12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement- These pioneers are shaping the way Americans will live- work and play in later life (←链入页面)