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[编辑] U

ultimate ultimatum ultrasonic ultrasonics ultraviolet unadorned unadorned unanimity unanimous unbearable unbiased unbiased unbridgeable unbridled unbroken uncharted unconscious unconscious unconventional unconventional unconvincing uncover under the depressor underdeveloped underestimate underestimate undergo undergraduate underground underlie underlying undermine underneath underscore undertake undertaking underwater undeserved undifferentiated undistorted undisturbed undo undoubtedly unearth unemployed unevenly unexplored unfair unfavorable unfertilized unfold unfortunately uniform uniformity unify unimaginable uninhabited unique uniqueness unity universal universe universe unload unmatched unobstructed unpack unpack unpalatable unpalatable unparalleled unprecedented unprecedented unpredictable unpromising unpromising unquestionably unquestioning unravel unrestrained unrestrained unrestrained unrestricted unrestricted unsatisfactory unscrupulous unscrupulously unseasonably unselfish unsophisticated unsophisticated unspoiled unstable unsubstantiated unsubstantiated untamed untapped untouched unwieldy upgrade upheaval uphold upland uproot upscale upset upside-down urban urban urbane urbanism urbanite urbanization urbanize urge urgency urgent usher in utensil utilitarian utility utilization utilize utopian utter utterance utterly

[编辑] V

vacancy vacant vacate vacation vaccinate vaccine vacuum vague valid validate validate validity valve vanish vapor vaporization vaporize variability variability variable variance variation varied variety various varnish vast vastness vault vaulted vegetable vegetarian vegetation vehicle veil vein veining velocity venerable veneration venom venomous vent ventilate ventilation venture venturesome venue verbal verdict verify versatile verse version vertebrate vertebrate vertical vessel vestige veteran veto viability viability viable vibrant vibrate vibration vicinity victor victorious victory victuosity videocassette vie vigilance vigor vigorous vine violence violent viral virtually virtue virus viscosity viscous visibility vision vista vital vitalism vitalist vitality vivid vocation vocational void volatile volcanic volcano volcano voltage volume voluntary volunteer voracious vote voter vowel voyage vulnerable

[编辑] W

wade wagon waist waive walkout walnut wane ward off ware ware warehouse warehouse warrantable warranty warrior wary waste disposal watercourse waterproof waterproof wavy wax waxy weapon wear away wear out weariness weary weather weathering weave weaver weaverbird wed wedding wedge-shaped weed weep weird weld welfare well organized well-being whim whisk off whittle wholesale wholesaler wholesome wildlife willow willow wind up wingspan wipe out wit withdraw withdrawal wither withstand withstand witness woods wool woolen woolly workload worldwide wrap wreck wrestling wright wring wrinkle wrist wristwatch

[编辑] Y

yardstick yarn yawn yelp yield yield to yolk

[编辑] Z

zeal zealous zenith zigzag zone

