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[编辑] Q

quadrilateral quail quail quaint qualification qualified quantitative quantum theory quarry quarter quarterly quartz quench quest questionable questionnaire quiescent quiescent quilt quilter quota quotation

[编辑] R

radar radiant radiate radiation radical radically raft rage ragged ragtime raid rainbow rainfall rally rally rampant rampant ranch rancher ranching range range from…to… rank rare rarefy rarely ratify ration rational rationing rattle rattlesnake raucous raven ravine ravine rawhide ray rayon raze readily readjust real estate realization realm reap rear reassure rebel rebellion rebellious rebroadcast rebuke recall receptacle reception receptionist receptive receptor recession recipe recipient recital reckless reckon reclaim reclamation recognition recognize recoil recoil recollection recommend recommend recommendation recompose reconstruct reconstruction recount recreation recreational recruit rectangle rectangular rectangular rectify recur recurring recycle redirect reed reef refine refined refinement reflection reform reformer reformism refraction refraction refreshing refreshment refrigerant refrigerate refrigeration refrigerator refurbish refute regardless regardless of regenerate regeneration regime regimentation register regulate regulation regulatory rehabilitate rehabilitation rehearse reign reigning reimburse reinforce reinterpretation reiterate reject rejection rejuvenate rekindle relax relaxation relaxed relay release relevance relevant reliability reliable reliance reliant relic relieve relieved religion religious reluctant remainder remaining remark remarkable remarkably remedy remind reminder remnant renaissance render rendering rendition renew renewable renewal renounce renounce renovate renovation rent rentable rental renunciation reorient repel repertoire repertory repetition repetition replace replenish replica replicate represent representation representative repress reproduce reproduction reproductive reptile repulse repute reputed request reschedule rescue resemblance resemble resent resentful reserve reservoir reside residence resident residential residual residue residue resist resistance resistant resolute resolution resolution resolve resonance resort resource respect respective respectively respiration respiratory respond responsibility responsible responsive restoration restore restrain restraint restraint restrict restriction restrictive retail retailer retain retentive retire retirement retool retract retreat retrieve retriever retrospect retrospective reveal revere revered reverently reverse reverse reversible revise revision revision revitalization revitalization revival revive revolt revolution revolutionary revolutionize rhetoric rhythm rhythmic rhythmical ridge ridicule ridiculous rifle rift rigid rigidity rigor rigorous rinse riot rip ripe ripen risky rite ritual rival rivalry roam roar roast robust robust rod rodent rodent roe role roll romote roost rooster rotate rotation rote rough roughly routine routinely rubbery rubble rudimentary rugged ruin ruins rumble rupture rural rust rustic rustproof rustproof

[编辑] S

sac sack sacred saddle saga sake salient salient saline salinity saliva saltiness sample sanctimonious sanction sanctuary sandy sanitary sanitation sap sapphire sarcastic satire satiric satirist satisfaction satisfactory saturate saturated saucer save savings scaffolding scale scaled scan scapegoat scarce scarcely scare scarlet scatter scavenger scene scenery scenic scent schedule scheme scholar scholarly scholarship scissors scope score scotch Scotch scour scout scramble scramble scramble scrap scrape scraping scratch screen screw screw screwdriver screwdriver scruple scrupulously scuba sculpt sculptor sculptural sculpture sea cucumber seabed seam seamen seamount seaport seashore seasonal seasoning seaweed seaweed seclude seclusion secondary secret secrete secretin sect section sectional sector secular secure securely security sedentary sediment sedimentary seduce seedling seemingly segment segregate seismic seismograph seismograph seismology selection selection self-sufficient semester semiarid semiliterate semimolten senator sensation sensational sensibility sensible sensitive sensitivity sensory sentence sentimental sentimentalism sentimentalize sequence sequester serene serious seriously serrated set aside for setting sewer sewerage sewerage shade shaft shallow sharpen sharply shatter shear sheath shed sheer shell shellfish shelter sheltered shepherd shepherd shield shift shifting shine shingle shining shiny shipload shipment shipwreck shipwright shock shocked shocking shortcut short-range shot shrink shrinkage shrivel shrub shuffle shuffle the deck shutter shutter shuttle shy shyness sick sickness sidestep sideways significance significant signify silica silicate silly silt silversmith simplicity simulate simultaneous sinuous skeleton skeptical skepticism sketch skimp skip skip class skull skyrocket skyscraper slab slander slash slavish slender slice slide slight slightly slime slimy slip slip one's mind slipper slippery sloop slope sloping sloth slothful slow breeding sluggish slum slumber slumber smart smelting smog smoke detector smoothly smother smuggle snap snippet snowdrift snowdrift snowflake snowflake snug sociable social distinction softwood solar solar cell solder soldier sole solely solemn solicit solicitor solidarity solidify solitary solitude solo soloist soluble solution somewhat soothe sophisticated sophistication sort soundproof soundproof sour souvenir sovereign sovereignty sovereignty sow soy soybean space shuttle spacecraft spacecraft spacecraft spaceship spacious span spangle spanking spare sparingly spark sparrow sparse sparsely spawn specialized species specific specification specified specify specimen speck spectacle spectacular spectacularly spectator spectra spectrum speculate speedy sphere spherical spill spinach spinal spinal cord spinal cord spine spine spined spined spinet spinet spinning spiny spiral spiritual splash splash splendor split spoil spoilage sponge spontaneity spontaneous spontaneously spoon sporadically spot spotless spotlight sprawl spray spray spring spring up springtime springwater sprout spur squarely squash squeeze squirrel squirt stability stabilize stable stack staff stagecoach stagger staggering stagnant stain stained staircase stalk stamina stand stand in the way of standard standardize standardized standing standpoint stanza staple starch stardom starfish stark starvation starve stash stately stationary stationery statistics statue statue stature status steadfast steady steak steep steer stellar stem stereophotograph sterile stern stick stickpin sticky stiff stiffen stifle stilt stimulant stimulate stimulation stimuli stimulus sting stipend stipulate stipulation stitch stock car racing stocky stonemason stonemason stout strain strand strap strap strata stratum strengthen strenuous strenuously stretch stride strike striking strikingly string stringent strings strip stripe strive stroke stubborn stubbornness studio stumble stun stunning stunt sturdy stylized subdiscipline subdivision subduct subdue subject to subjected submarine submarine submerge submerged submit subsection subsequent subsequently subside subsidiary subsidize subsidy subsist subsistence subspecies substantial substantially substantiate substantive substitute subterranean subtle subtract subtraction subtractive suburb suburbanite suburbanite suburbanization subversive successive succinct succumb sue sufficient suit suitable suitcase suite suited summit sumptuous sun-bronzed sunburn sundial sunflower sunglasses sunlight sunlit sunrise sunset sunshine sunshine superb supercontinent superficial superficially superintendent superior superior to supernatural supervise supervision supervision supervisor supplant supple supplement supplementary supplementation suppose supposedly supposition suppress supremacy supreme supremely surcharge surface surge surgeon surgery surging surmount surpass surpassingly surplus surrender survey survivability survival survive survivor susceptible susceptible to suspect suspend suspender suspense suspicion suspicious sustain sustain sustained sustenance swallow swamp swampy swarm sway sweep sweeping swell swelling swift swiftness syllable symbiosis symbiotic symbol symbolism symbolize symbology symmetrical symmetry sympathetic sympathize sympathy symphony symptom synchronize synonym synonymous synthesis synthesis synthesize synthesizer synthetic syrup system systematic systematize

[编辑] T

tableland tableware tableware tactics tactile tadpole tag tailor taint take account of take into account take into account talent talented tally tame tap tapering tapestry tapeworm tardiness tardy tariff tarnish taste tasteless tasty tavern taxicab teapot tectonics tedious tedium teem with telecommuter telegraph telegraph telescope telescope telescope temper temperance temperate temperature temple temporarily temporary tempt tempting tenant tendency tender tenderness tenement tense tensile tension tentacle terminal terminate termination terminology terminus termite terrace terrain terrestrial terribly terrific terrify terrifying testify to textile texture textured thatch thaw the Cabinet the Red Cross theft theist theme theoretical thereby therefore thermal thermodynamics thesis thigh thorn thorn thorny thorny thorough thoughtful thousandfold thread threadlike threaten threateningly three-dimensional threshold thrifty thrive thrive on thrust thunderstorm tide tilt timber timber time-consuming timid timidity tinplate tint tip tissue tissue to and fro toe toed tolerance tolerant tolerate topographical topography topsoil tornado torpor torque torrent torrential torrential rain tortuous touchdown touched touching tough tournament tow tower towering toxic trace track tract traction tractor tragedy trail trainload trait trample trample tranquil tranquility transaction transcend transcontinental transcript transfer transform transformation transformation transition translucent transmit transmitter transmute transparent transplant trap trapper trash tray treacherous tread treadmill treason treasure trove treatment tremendous trench trend trespass trespasser trial tribal tribe tributary tribute trickle trigger trilogy trim triumph trivial tropical troublesome troubling troupe trove trumpet trumpeter trustworthy tub tube tuition tumble tundra tunnel turbulence turbulent turnpike turquoise tutor tutorial twig twine twist two tycoon typical typify tyrannical

