wench noun \ˈwench\
Definition of WENCH 1a : a young woman : girl b : a female servant 2: a lewd woman : prostitute
Examples of WENCH <a “sexy French maid” costume for the woman who wants to get in touch with her inner wench—at least on Halloween> <a fairytale about the transformation of a lowly kitchen wench into an elegant lady>
Origin of WENCH Middle English wenche, short for wenchel child, from Old English wencel; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter, waver and probably to Old High German winchan to stagger — more at wink First Known Use: 14th century
Related to WENCH Synonyms: bimbo [slang], chippie (also chippy), doxy (also doxie), fancy woman, hoochie [slang], hussy, Jezebel, minx, quean, slut, tramp, trollop, floozy, whore
Related Words: siren, temptress, vamp; grisette, harlot, prostitute, trullsee all synonyms and antonyms
Rhymes with WENCH bench, Bench, blench, clench, drench, french, French, Hench, quench, stench, tench, trench, wrench
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