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[编辑] GRE 红宝书
- n.边缘
- [英] n.边缘 ( border; edge, rim, or margin)
[编辑] Webster Collegiate
I. noun
- Etymology: Middle English, rod, measuring rod, margin, from Anglo-French, rod, area of jurisdiction, from Latin virga twig, rod, line
- Date: 15th century
- 1.
- a.
- (1) a rod or staff carried as an emblem of authority or symbol of office
- (2) obsolete a stick or wand held by a person being admitted to tenancy while he swears fealty
- b. the spindle of a watch balance; especially a spindle with pallets in an old vertical escapement
- c. the male copulatory organ of any of various invertebrates
- a.
- 2.
- a. something that borders, limits, or bounds: as
- (1) an outer margin of an object or structural part
- (2) the edge of roof covering (as tiling) projecting over the gable of a roof
- (3) British a paved or planted strip of land at the edge of a road ; shoulder
- b. brink, threshold <a country on the verge of destruction — Archibald MacLeish>
- a. something that borders, limits, or bounds: as
II. intransitive verb (verged; verging)
- Date: 1787
- 1. to be contiguous
- 2. to be on the verge or border <the line where sentiment verges on mawkishness — Thomas Hardy>
III. intransitive verb (verged; verging)
- Etymology: Latin vergere to bend, incline — more at wrench
- Date: 1610
- 1.
- a. of the sun to move or tend toward the horizon ; sink
- b. to move or extend in some direction or toward some condition <verging to a hasty decline — Edward Gibbon>
- 2. to be in transition or change