The Wall Street Journal-20080216-Mulligan in Michigan- Florida- or Delegate Fight-
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Mulligan in Michigan, Florida, or Delegate Fight?
Full Text (124 words)It's maddening to see Hillary Clinton's campaign continue to claim "victories" in the Michigan and Florida primaries ("A Do-Over? Democrats' Fate May Ride on It," page one, Feb. 9). You can't have a winner if you don't have a race, and there's no way of telling how the vote would have split had the Democratic candidates spent time campaigning in the two states.
While it is predictable that the Clinton camp should seek to claim the delegates from both contests, it would be unfair, bordering on immoral, if the Democratic Party should endorse her position. If that happens and it decides the nomination, Sen. Clinton should expect little, if any, help in the general election from Barack Obama's supporters.
Robert J. Inlow
Charlottesville, Va.