The Wall Street Journal-20080212-Treasury Plans Two Auctions

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Treasury Plans Two Auctions

Full Text (162  words)

WASHINGTON -- The Treasury plans to raise $48 billion in new cash this week with the sale of cash-management bills and other short-term securities.

Details of the offerings:

-- The Treasury plans to sell $30 billion of 60-day cash-management bills Thursday to raise new cash.

The bills will be dated Feb. 15 and will mature April 15. The Cusip number is 912795UD1.

Noncompetitive tenders for the bills, available in minimum denominations of $1,000, must be received by noon EST tomorrow, and competitive tenders by 1 p.m.

-- In the usual weekly sale today, the Treasury plans to sell $27 billion in four-week bills. The sale will refund $9 billion in maturing bills and raise $18 billion in new cash.

The bills will be dated Feb. 14 and will mature March 13. The Cusip number is 912795D32.

Noncompetitive tenders for the bills, available in minimum denominations of $1,000, must be received by noon today, and competitive tenders must be received by 1 p.m.

