The Wall Street Journal-20080206-Corrections - Amplifications
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Corrections & Amplifications
Full Text (273 words)Foreign-born residents accounted for 14.4% of the U.S. population in 1870 and an estimated 12.5% in 2006. In some editions Friday, a chart that accompanied a page-one article about the debate over illegal immigration in Arizona incorrectly said that foreign-born residents made up 12.1% of the population in 1870, as well as an estimated 12.1% in 2006.
Yahoo Inc. appointed Terry Semel chairman and chief executive officer on April 17, 2001. A timeline that accompanied a page-one article Saturday about Microsoft Corp.'s bid for Yahoo incorrectly gave his last name as Sempel.
The White House budget scales back President Bush's signature foreign-aid program, the Millennium Challenge Account. A headline on a "Line Items" article yesterday about details of the budget incorrectly said the budget plan scaled back funding to fight AIDS outside the U.S.
(See: "Politics & Economics --- Line Items / A Look Inside the Details of the Budget Request: Proposals Abound to Anger and Please Many Groups" -- WSJ Feb. 5, 2008)
Models Iman and Naomi Campbell are Somalian and British, respectively. A Marketplace article Friday incorrectly referred to them as African-American.
(See: "Crossing Fashion's Thin White Line --- Criticism About a Lack of Ethnic Diversity on Runways Puts Attention on Casting Directors" -- WSJ Feb. 1, 2008)
The design of a penny to honor Abraham Lincoln depicted on the Picks page of Saturday's Weekend Journal was one of many being considered by the U.S. Mint. The caption incorrectly implied that the proposal had been accepted.
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