The Wall Street Journal-20080204-McCain Plays to Wavering Conservatives
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McCain Plays to Wavering Conservatives
Full Text (164 words)Associated Press
FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- Republican John McCain says he will try to win over some conservative Republicans by promising to appoint judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.
Mr. McCain said he has praised both men in the past, and will emphasize that when he addresses a gathering of conservatives in Washington this week. He said he didn't remember saying, as some conservatives claim, that Justice Alito "wore his conservatism on his sleeve."
Mr. McCain has been trying to reach out to members of the right wing of the Republican base who have mistrusted him, and is running a national cable ad proclaiming he is a true conservative.
Some conservatives dislike Mr. McCain's efforts to limit money in politics, which critics say violates free speech, and because he has supported a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Republican consultant Keith Appell said Mr. McCain should focus on judges "to assure those conservatives who have wavered about him."