The Wall Street Journal-20080201-Politics - Economics- In Brief

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Politics & Economics: In Brief

Full Text (263  words)

Recall of Dumplings from China

Threatens Food Exports to Japan

A Japanese recall of pesticide-laced dumplings from China threatens to damage the already fragile image of Chinese foodstuffs in Japan, potentially slowing growth in one of China's most promising export markets. Retailers raced to clear their shelves of Chinese-made frozen dumplings after Japan's health ministry ordered a recall late Wednesday of snacks made by a unit of the Hebei Foodstuffs Import & Export Group. At least 10 people suffered vomiting and diarrhea after eating dumplings with traces of the pesticide methamidophos, including a 5-year-old girl who fell into a coma, the ministry said. Her condition has since stabilized.

Philippine GDP Rises 1.8%

The Philippine economy grew at a robust clip in the fourth quarter, with strong consumer spending, construction and farm output helping gross domestic product increase for a 27th consecutive quarter -- the longest growth streak ever. The National Statistical Coordination Board said yesterday that fourth-quarter GDP rose 1.8% from the third quarter, when it expanded 1%. The data was released the same day the Philippine central bank cut interest rates by one-quarter of a percentage point.

EU Sues Malta Over Hunting

The European Commission is suing Malta for permitting its residents to hunt two species of birds in the spring, an escalation of a deeply contentious issue that has ruffled the tiny island nation since it joined the bloc in 2004. Hunting runs deep in Malta, and the Maltese government, wary of angering politically influential hunters, has defended the spring season and said it qualifies for an exemption under EU rules.

